> What is the underlying motive for pushing Global Warming?

What is the underlying motive for pushing Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The IP CC is the driving force in perpetuating the "Global Warming" scare. It (IP CC) is there to prove that humans are responsible for a 0.8 C rise in global mean temperature and nothing else. It was suppose to be an unbiased approach to the science (climatology), but the head of the IP CC is a known socialist (Rajendra Kumar Pachauri (born 20 August 1940) has been serving as the chairperson of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) since 2002). The United Nations (the IP CC is just one branch of the UN) has a one-world government agenda.

Originally, Margaret Thatcher (in 1988) wanted nuclear power to be the United Kingdom's main energy source. She wanted energy security and didn't want to have to deal with the Oil Cartels of the Middle East or the Coal Miner's Union of the UK. She was willing to pay Government money to scientists in order to prove that human emitted CO2 was causing the planet to warm. This is the basis of the IP CC in its current forum.

It is left to various independent scientists and engineers to keep these people honest and on point due to their biased science techniques. Here is one such engineer in nuclear energy who shows that CO2 is limited in its warming capacity : http://beforeitsnews.com/science-and-tec...

"Climate Change" has been hi-jacked by climate scientists in its true meaning. In reality "climate change" is the natural weather process between seasons. It somehow has been changed to now mean "apocalyptic changes in the weather due to GHG emissions from humans". When the truth is finally accepted, "Global Warming" will take many spots on the Sci-Fi Channel and will be shown before and after shows like "It Came from Outer Space" or "Martians Invade".

You DA deniers can't believe the truth when it is staring you in the face. I fail to understand how so many people can be so ignorant when presented with the facts.

97%+ % of all climatologists are convinced that the current acceleration of GW is man made and that we need to stop burning fossil fuels to counteract this. Most of the world's climate organizations are in agreement with this.


The conspiracy surrounding GW is that propagated by big oil and coal moguls who went so far as to personally say that CO2 was good for plants and humans. They paid doctors and lawyers and think tanks to create the DA denier industry to spread word that GW isn't real. Almost every scientist on the planet will tell you that the data shows the planet is warming. Although some of them can't prove what is causing it, the still deny man made GW

Nobody is pushing GW, we are trying to educate people so they understand what they may be facing as GW progresses. GW is happening now, whether or not you are bright enough to see it. We have already seen an increase in drought, heat waves, floods, torrential rains, unusually cold weather and blizzard activity, desertification, crop loss etc Blame it all on Al Gore like some of you DA deniers like to do.

The truth, evidence, the desire to save human lives from extreme weather events and rising sea levels.

Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


Ignore Pat's nonsense about Margaret Thatcher inventing global warming in 1988. Svante Arrhenius was predicting that hamans would warm the Earth almost 90 years earlier.



Redistribution of Wealth The Treasury dept. wants a carbon tax to give to the UN

and say its for Solar .

Jeff, you do know that sarcasm is way over his head.

Suppose someone was old and had nothing to gain by being worried about global warming.

Suppose someone was worried about the world that their grandchildren would face.

Suppose the science is really quite accurate.

I do know that's a stretch, but it's true for many people.

Smart people, who really are concerned about the future of this country.

BUT, what if China was also worried about global warming?

What about if the EU was worried about global warming?

They both are.

And neither wants to see America waste money on a fantasy.

(They'd both rather that we spend money buying what they want to sell.)

What's wrong with teachers?

Did you not get into college?

Was that really your teacher's fault?

Is someone "pushing" the earth being round, and the moon landings being real? The lack of a sliver of evidence supporting the assumptions made in the question make it dubious at best.

Groupthink. They get together and pat each other on the back for their good ideas, and it runs away with them. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424...

The warmists don't care about all that. They are after power and money. The "science" is politically motivated and highly skewed. They base a huge majority of their "facts" on modeling, not scientifically gathered data.

In true science, everything is available for rebuttal. In fact, it is what should happen. Except for global warmists. They want you to take what they say and be satisfied.

I am certain there is not one underlying motive I think there are many, one you have politicians who want votes and control and power, you have the greens who want us to go back to living on the land,

you have scientist's and researches who are looking to improve their careers, you have the media who wants to sell news (and nothing sells news like impending doom).

Mainly anyone who sees a opportunity by jumping on the bandwagon.

Off course you still have some who genuinely believe and think it's best for our planet.

The motive of the "true believers' is that they are convinced they are on a jihad to save the planet.

I know there are some people who actually believe in it, but I suspect there are many others (the majority?) who either know it's b.s., or don't care whether it's b.s. or not. They simply want to keep pushing it. Why? Do they think it will make the air easier to breathe? That people will drive less? That we will consume less? That capitalism will be defeated? What is their motive? I for one am without question convinced that GW is b.s. I have a friend who pushes GW like crazy (public education teacher...surprise!), and his attitude is so what even if it's not true, what's it going to hurt?

The simple answer is to promote population reduction.

The more precise answer is to preserve an imperial system.

one word: money

you said your friend was a public education teacher. what are you? Let me guess. You're a high end climatologist?

How does being scientifically illiterate qualify you to have anything other than a stupid opinion?