> Global Climate Change?

Global Climate Change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The main problem is hyper media. They depend on sensation for their income, so they will publish scares indiscriminately. Then, there are a bunch of environmentalists that will slit anybody's throat to save a whale or a tree. Then, there are greedy businessmen that sell blue sky to people to profit themselves. Then, there are politicians that love new tax revenue more than the people who elected them.

Truth is: weather always gets worse (unless it gets better), and climate always changes (unless it stays the same). Total greenhouse-gas increase since 1750 is less than 4 watts per square meter radiative forcing. It is estimated that humans are responsible for 14 percent of that increase (see CDIAC links). However, we should try to limit our pollution and control impact on our environment within economical bounds. It is not economical (it is indeed ludicrous) to try to control a change of 0.1 degree (the amount of human-caused warming), by eliminating fuel sources.

1.)The problem would be for the next generation.

2.)Go out on a busy highway, and don't use Air-conditioner and feel the heat.

3.)The requirement of AC , itself is an indicator. Smoke, dust, petro chemicals, weird human activities and sometimes, nature (volcanoes)

4.) The next generation would not see sparrows, they won't get pure water to drink as rivers are getting polluted as well. Problems like sunburns would be a common thing

5.) The world as a whole, no more would be a peaceful place, no greenery on mountains even, no water, no ecosystem

6.) Only a few people, are bothered and working really very hard in this field by creating technologies like, Wind Turbine energy, solar panels etc.

7.) Laws are there, but least concerned. One can't cut a tree, without Govt. permission though, but everyone does

8.) Stop smoking, use bicycle for short distances or walk, instead. Plant a tree for your child at least and take care of it like your child! Encourage people to follow, educate the uneducated!

Now you are analyzing a problem in a scientific way. That hurts the greenie feelings since all they can do is blow smoke and mirrors.

Quotes by H.L. Mencken, famous columnist: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed ― and hence clamorous to be led to safety ― by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." And, "The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false face for the urge to rule it."

The greenies would much rather you listen to them and get panicked, then yield your finances and liberties to them. It is a con game with a formula as old as mankind. It relies on ignorance and being gullible in order to succeed. Your questions scare them because they show intelligence and wariness.

All of your questions are answered here if you take the time to watch, or at least watch the first one.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Well you will want to research some of this stuff. To get you started here is a broad search link


What is the problem? How do we know there is a problem (what evidence is there)?

What causes the problem?

What are the possible future effects of the problem? How will it effect the world?

What is being done to solve the problem? Are there laws related to the topic?

What can an individual do to help?