> What do you think of this grand land grab on the part of the EPA?

What do you think of this grand land grab on the part of the EPA?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The more I see of the EPA the more I am pleased not to be American.

They are an outfit out of control. It will not end well.

In the rest of the world they already have a reputation for taking tax dollars from government and passing it on to activist groups. Then when government wants some new legislation the EPA gets the activists to sue them for not having the regulations in place. The EPA reports back to the government and the government passes the legislation.

Still, the EPA does rely on science. See how much it transfers to its "independent" advisors to make sure it gets the "right" scientific advice. Just remember the massive Koch $67,042,064 since 1997 when you look at the final chart: http://washingtonexaminer.com/epas-shred...

EDIT: Environmentalists running rivers. I would like to point out that the recent floods in Somerset, England only happened after our Environment Agency took control. In fairness, it is called Somerset because it means summer lands because it was so wet as to be no use in winter. However, the Rivers Authority previously did a much better job. The Environment Agency wanted to return the land to a salt marsh to preserve the animals. I just hope the rabbits, voles and bumble bees appreciated it.

First this is a pro denier rag making it suspect in regards to the sensationalism of headings and lack of fairness in the articles. it is anti government which I am sure fits into your conspiracy paranoia.

Second they aren't grabbing land. they are expanding the waterways protection so we can all enjoy them while an attempt is made to curb pollution and other illegal use of our waterways.

Industries, farms and individuals are still polluting our waters and with much of the US experiencing drought and extreme heat, water is important and needs our protection. You would have to be dumber than a box of rocks not to realize this. Most of our streams, rivers and lakes are polluted to the point of interfering with reproduction, reducing the number of fish and other life in and near them.

Isn't that the American way?


The EPA cant land grab that would be illegal . If someone

wants a new state park they bring it up as a bill and if it passes the President signs it .

The EPA are turning into Robber barons

On the surface it looks like the same, demented Republicans making attacks on the EPA, or anything environmental, again. However, I will read the EPA's Proposal on this and reserve my judgement on it until then. Do you have a direct link to the EPA proposal? .... and why is this question in the "Global Warming" section?

The United States Constitution will always be subject to change and interpretation as long as left-wing/climate catastrophe/environmentalists have access to it. They get all happy and breed more when they have their successes and then they turn around and throw overpopulation questions at you like the Koch Brothers are responsible. LMAO!!!!!

A bunch of two-faced hypocrites!

I hate beaurocratic organizations, they always end up self supporting, devoted to increasing power and control, and never do the job they are supposed to do.

Do you know there are hundreds of chemicals in use (in your food) that are supposed to be tested by the EPA for toxicity, but those chemicals in use before the EPA was formed have not been tested and many after either, no wonder cancer is on the rise,

Sure, there have been land grabs in America. So, go ahead and give your house and yard back to the Indians, Sagebrush, and move back to Lower Slobbovia where the people who were happy to get rid of your ancestors have forgotten about it by now. While the rest of us yawn at how brainwashed you are by corporate land-rapers.

This is a preliminary implementation of UN agenda 21


The EPA also asserted that roughly 60 percent of American "stream miles" may only flow seasonally or flow after a significant rain, but those “stream miles” do have a "considerable impact" on downstream waters.

The sometimes mud puddle in your yard will become under the jurisdiction of the EPA and you will get a $75,000 a day fine for not bowing down to the gods of thunder.