> Climate is a weather condition over the course of many years! True or False?

Climate is a weather condition over the course of many years! True or False?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Climate is the usual weather condition for a large area over a long period of time.

I would say that climate is the physics behind the sort of weather that is expected at any given location.

"Many" years!!! Not just 30, 50, or 100. 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, or more are a much better indicator of climate changes or shifts. A rise in temperature of 0.87C in just over 350 years is very "little" change compared to what paleoclimatology has shown as extreme changes over 100s of thousands of years.

Mostly true, but saying weather patterns instead of conditions would be more accurate.

yes according to the movie The Day After Tomorrow

No but it plays a large part of it. But FALSE just the same.

Climate is the average of weather over a long period for a given location.


