> What part of the world will be affected by Global Warming the most?

What part of the world will be affected by Global Warming the most?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
if the sea level rises, what part of the world will be submerged? Netherlands? Japan? or anywhere else?

Several low-lying Pacific islands could be submerged, as well as the Netherlands, most of Bangladesh, parts of the southern US, and many other coastal areas (including parts of New York City). There are maps online that approximate what various levels of sea level rise would do to various parts of the world.

Also, sea level rise is far from the only concern caused by AGW. http://skepticalscience.com/global-warmi... has a nice list of the positive and negative (mostly negative) effects of global warming.

The sea level is rising. By a whole 3 mm/year. So I guess if you live in a location that is only 3 cm above sea level, you may have to worry about it submerging in ten years.

Global warming reduces the rate of sea level rise according to the latest peer reviewed paper in Nature Magazine.

The problem is that it may not affect only one area but everywhere! Humans have always lived near water currents because it's easier to find some for drinking and it's a good way for cheap transportation.Most major cities in the world are close to water currents that end up in an ocean. Of course, all islands in the ocean that are close to water levels may disapear.


Did you read the article? It says:

"We find that when correcting for interannual variability, the past decade’s slowdown of the global mean sea level disappears, leading to a similar rate of sea-level rise (of 3.3 ± 0.4 mm yr?1) during the first and second decade of the altimetry era."

Typically, the prime example used in the case of global warming are the Maldives.

Some sandbar nation in the South Pacific, I forget the name.

Still not got any idea of what global mean have you?

The half that is in summer

Gw can be avoided. That's what we should do.

if the sea level rises, what part of the world will be submerged? Netherlands? Japan? or anywhere else?