> Are Australian climate scientists in denial?

Are Australian climate scientists in denial?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Perhaps they might have been unduly influenced by 2013 being the hottest year on record in Australia.

So, your standard is a Denier website - again.

The only thing half-way honest in The Observatory summary is that he put the word "pause" in quotes so he can have plausible deniability if accused of claiming that Schmidt or Karl ever said the word.

>>Note that only 0.09 deg C separates their top ten warmest years.<<

What so you suppose that means?

You don't know - and neither do the other Deniers who read it - and the author knows that. He is assuming that his readers are ignorant - he is depending on his readers being ignorant.

The fact that the mean over the recent decade or two is significantly higher than the long-term mean and the variance is just as significantly reduced weights heavily against Deniers - but they do not know that because they do not understand what it means mathematically or scientifically.

A trivial examination of the basic descriptive statistics of temperature over the periods 1850-1996 vs 1997-2013 shows that they are statistically significantly different at a greater than 99.9% probability (1-p). The only reason that the certainty is not 100% is because nothing is 100% - but it might as well be 100%.

I ran this on the GISS Surface Temperature Data (GISTEMP) using MINITAB:

Two-sample T for y1

period N Mean StDev SE Mean

early 117 -0.090 0.209 0.019

late 17 0.5629 0.0811 0.020

Difference = mu (early) - mu (late)

Estimate for difference: -0.652770

95% CI for difference: (-0.708012, -0.597528)

T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =):

T-Value = -23.69

P-Value = 0.000

DF = 54


Luke Stern --

Nice impersonation of a fcking idiot.

Whitehouse is just another diehard denier who thinks GW has stopped. He has a PhD in Astrophysics but no education in climate science. He is another skeptic hack spewing worthless crap

Global warming is a fraud. Al Gore uses it so that he can get a private jet. It is natural for the climate to change look at examples throughout history man made global warming is just that made up by man.

Please read this argument and then compare it to the statements below


Emeritus Professor Ian Lowe, professor of science, technology and society at Griffith University, Queensland and President of the Australian Conservation Foundation, said:

“The NOAA report confirms at a global scale what we know from Australian Bureau of Meteorology data released recently: the world is getting steadily warmer. While some media outlets are repeating the myth spread by deniers that there has been a pause in warming, the NOAA data confirm that the trend of global warming is continuing. It also confirms that we are seeing more extremes of weather, as the science has been warning us to expect for 25 years. This is further evidence that our governments need to pay attention to the science rather than uninformed self-appointed critics, and take concerted action, both to reduce our domestic production of greenhouse gases and to halt the disastrous proposals to expand fossil fuel exports.”

And then this one

The Australian Science Media Centre also posted the comments of Professor John Quiggin, an Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow in the School of Economics at the University of Queensland and a member of the Climate Change Authority

“The NOAA has reported, yet again, evidence on the continuing upward trend in global temperatures. The safest prediction that can be made with respect to this news is that it will do nothing to change the actual or ostensible opinions of self-described “sceptics”, most of whom will continue to think that the occurrence of a single relatively hot year (1998) in the late 20th century implies that global warming has “stopped” or “paused” in the 21st century.”