Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There is so much debate on climate change. What's your opinion?

Nope. In reality, there HAS NOT been much debate..which is very worrisome. The evidence that CO2 is a toxic and very problematic substance is baloney...as is MOST of the AGW hypoethesis.

Quote by Will Happer, Princeton University physicist, former Director of Energy Research at the Department of Energy: “I had the privilege of being fired by Al Gore, since I refused to go along with his alarmism....I have spent a long research career studying physics that is closely related to the greenhouse effect....Fears about man-made global warming are unwarranted and are not based on good science. The earth's climate is changing now, as it always has. There is no evidence that the changes differ in any qualitative way from those of the past.”

Quote by Steven Guilbeault, Canadian environmental journalist and Greenpeace member: "Global warming can mean colder, it can mean drier, it can mean wetter."

In other words, it can be anything they want to sell you, "Look here, all you Peons! Climate Change is what we tell you it is and you’d just better shut up!

Some warming is happening and caused by man. BUT, it is certainly not the climate apocalyse the media likes to report. Contrary to popular opinion, AGW is not causing:

Hurricanes: http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/Landsea/gw_...

Tornadoes: http://www.ustornadoes.com/wp-content/up...

Crop failures: http://sustainablog.org/files/2009/08/co...

Floods/drought: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cmb/s...

What it is causing is about 0.5 - 0.6 degrees of the 0.8 degree increase over the last 100 years.

So while I agree that we should limit our CO2 output, there is no climate apocalypse coming, at least not due to CO2.

Now as to the future. Many would like to pretend that there is no debate in the scientific community about the effect of CO2. They are lying. 95% of the cliamte models are currently overestimating the warming. Nonetheless, even those climate models have a range for warming by 2100 of 1 to 10 degrees.

I will say that again 1 to 10 degrees. I have no idea how anyone could pretend that this is "settled science" with a range this large. In fact, I ahve no idea how it is that 95% of the climate models are overestimating, yet people try to claim that those stating that AGW is being exaggerated are "denying science". Saying they are exagerrating when 95% of the models are overestimating is just stating the truth. That is not even talking about the exaggeration going on in the media.

Example? Linlyons posted an article last thursday that had the seas rising by 11 inches by 2020. The current rate of sea level rise is about 1 inch per 8 years, yet the media placed out a scaremongering peice about 11 inches in 6 years??? How is that not exaggeration?

In recent years, global warming has been the subject of a great deal of political controversy. As scientific knowledge has grown, this debate is moving away from whether humans are causing warming and toward questions of how best to respond.

Signs that the Earth is warming are recorded all over the globe. The easiest way to see increasing temperatures is through the thermometer records kept over the past century and a half. Around the world, the Earth's average temperature has risen more than 1 degree Fahrenheit (0.8 degrees Celsius) over the last century, and about twice that in parts of the Arctic.

This doesn’t mean that temperatures haven't fluctuated among regions of the globe or between seasons and times of day. But if you average out the temperature all over the world over the course of a year, you see that temperatures have been creeping upward.

Although we can't look at thermometers going back thousands of years, we do have some records that help us figure out what temperatures and concentrations were like in the distant past. For example, trees store information about the climate in the place where they live. Each year, trees grow thicker and form new rings. In warmer and wetter years, the rings are thicker. Old trees and wood can tell us about conditions hundreds or even several thousands of years ago.

Keys to the past are also buried under lakes and oceans. Pollen, creatures, and particles fall to the bottom of oceans and lakes each year, forming sediments. Sediments preserve all these bits and pieces, which contain a wealth of information about what was in the air and water when they fell. Scientists reveal this record by inserting hollow tubes into the mud to collect sediment layers going back millions of years.

For a direct look at the atmosphere of the past, scientists drill cores through the Earth's polar ice sheets. Tiny bubbles trapped in the gas are actually pieces of the Earth's past atmosphere, frozen in time. That's how we know that the concentrations of greenhouse gases since the industrial revolution are higher than they've been for hundreds of thousands of years.

Computer models help scientists to understand the Earth's climate, or long-term weather patterns. Models also allow scientists to make predictions about the future climate. Basically, models simulate how the atmosphere and oceans absorb energy from the sun and transport it around the globe. Factors that affect the amount of the sun's energy reaching Earth's surface are what drive the climate in these models, as in real life. These include things like greenhouse gases, particles in the atmosphere (such as from volcanoes), and changes in energy coming from the sun itself

If you are asking if HUMANS are responsible for "changing the climate" of our planet...which isn't so controversial to say...then the answer is NO. Global Warming was a concept started by Margaret Thatcher to fight UNIONS!!! Lookup Global Warming Swindle on YouTube.


At this point, probably 99% of the "debate" is either know-nothings trying to pretend that it's not happening, or debates about what to *do* about it (or not do, as the case may be). The science is pretty well decided.

Some sources for more information:







http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... (I posted a question asking people to give links to information at varying levels of experience)


and i had asked if people think Neil deGrass Tyson is a liar and Rush Limbaugh tells the truth and i was surprised at how many people actually said yes

A New Dark Age has begun

There is overwhelming scientific research that global warming is real. Most of the literature that says global warming isn't real are not from peer reviewed scientific journals and are normally linked somehow to the fossil fuel industry such as lobbyists, special interest groups, etc.

Since there is a surprising amount of skeptics in here, I will give you a really good citation that will give you a lot of good information you need to know. It is from NASA and it give citations and links to many different scientific societies that admit that humans are causing global warming. Hope this helps(:

NO! Never was and never will be. GW is a political maneuver to put tons of cash in the libtards pockets as well as many a RINO too. Ignore this nonsense and do not respond to comments from these idiots who blow smoke about GW or Climate change as they no refer to it.

Yes, certainly. And you can feel it in the present environment, specially when travelling to places like china and Indonesia. It is cause by accumulation of CO2 in the air from vehicles, smoke from factories and deforestation. In result, acid rain, smog, air is heavy (hard to breath) and weather changes from the usual one,as the heat of the sun is barely scape from such area.

Off course

There is so much debate on climate change. What's your opinion?

there is debate at YA and public/politics, not in the scientific community. Yes, real.

Yes it is



yes it is


Off course

yes it is

yes it is

Global warming is BEYOND a myth. It is

bold-faced LIE LIE LIE fostered upon us by the globalists.=20

If pseudo-scientists, statesmen, politicians, university

"professors" {Romans 1:22!!!! } can cause a

panic, then the public will naturally obey whatever an evil

government will tell them to do to be "secure and have

food to eat". =20

Fact is, it is just a LIE to foster upon us a carbon tax

and make us more and more subservient to the government. =20

All liars constantly change their lies. You had better

remember that one. It will keep an awful lot of what you

see and hear in proper perspective. First the liars called

it "global warming" When that didn't fool

enough souls, they began calling it "climate

change". When the public began seeing through that,

they called "climate catastrophes". Now they are

thinking up another name for it.

There are many proofs that nail the coffin on

"global warming". One of the biggest was that

so-called infallible university observatory shot out an

e-mail to their dupes, oops, I mean "students" to

suppress any and all evidence and proof that there was no

global warming or even questioning of global warming.

- CO2 is essential to life. These are not scientists

who say "CO2 and greenhouse gases" !!! CO2 is

essential to life. ALL plant life absorb CO2 (carbon

dioxide) and convert CO2 in to O2 (oxygen). You would not

be able to breathe without the trees and plants.

- There is always a logical explanation as to what is

happening or appears to be occurring. The Lord takes care

of this earth. HE created it; he takes care of it. =20

Remember when Rush Limbaugh told us that the oil from the BP

spill would evaporate? It did, didn't it? We

didn't have the means to scoop it all up or entrap the

oil. It evaporated. Al Gore and all of his professional

liars were evil and wrong when they said the Gulf Stream

would be polluted and Great Britain would freeze to death,

etc. Recently I learned why, in 1909, the Arctic explorers

said the ice sheet is disappearing and the world is coming

to an end. The globalist, communist liars have been saying

the same thing since 1989. Dong! Why is it happening? =20

There are VOLCANOES beneath the Arctic Ocean. Volcanoes are

hot. Hence, any six year old can tell you that the ice

sheet will get less thick when the VOLCANOES are active and

get thicker when the volcanoes go dormant.

- Remember that liberals will always LIE to you. And I

do mean ALWAYS. I've been on the road and have

travelled. And I can tell you for a FACT that liberals

ALWAYS LIE. Remember that the tiniest untruth makes the

entire statement a LIE. Liberals will tell you to believe

your own eyes. So the ice is falling in to the Antarctic

Ocean. WHY would that mean that Antarctica is getting

warmer? It's COLD in Antarctica. Don't visit in

your short sleeves. It's COLD in Antarctica. It SNOWS

a lot. There is so much SNOW that the ice sheet cannot hold

it all. So some of that massive amount of snow is going to

obey the law of gravity. What's so difficult about


- The lying liberal - communist - globalist -

environmentalist communist will always LIE to you. =20


QUEBEC, MANITOBA and see for yourself. ALL all all of the

natives will look at you like you are the dumbest, silliest

imbecile on the planet if you tell them that the polar bear

population is shrinking. The polar bears reproduce just as

all the animals. And there NEVER NEVER NEVER were penguins

in the Northwest Territories of Canada. The penguins did

NOT NOT NOT have to emigrate to Antarctica because of

"warming". Sheesh! The environmental commies

will attempt to brainwash you in to believing any thing.

- One of the very few things jolly old England has done

right in the past century and a quarter was a judge ruled

that the public schools in Great Britain could not show a

movie by AL Gore UNLESS at least ELEVEN - YES ELEVEN - OF

THE LIES LIES LIES that were uttered in the blasphemous film

were broken down, explained and exposed. Would to the

Lord that we had one decent judge in our country. Just

one. That's all I ask. Just one. Do I see one with

courage and honesty? Just one.

- There was no "greenhouse gases" emitted in the Middle Ages. Yet the earth was a lot warmer than now. I remember being taught in school that the Vikings misnamed Iceland to Greenland. But the southern tip of Greenland was really green when the Vikings discovered Greenland. Gradually, the climate became colder until the southern tip could no longer grow their crop yields by 1337 A.D.

- You cannot "pollute the planet" !!!!!! This earth and it atmosphere is so enormous none of us can comprehend it. In 1989, I was sitting in a restaurant

having breakfast when a liberal spewed out that Exxon was

polluting the beautiful green and wild life of Alaska. A

real estate professional roared with uncontrollable

laughter. He laughed, crying out "do you know how many

coves there are in Alaska"? If you would stop to

think for just two minutes, you would realize what I knew

Rhode Island is an enormous place. Don't attempt to

walk across it, either north south or west east. Yet 145

Rhode Islands would fit in to Texas. Two and one half

Texas' would fit in to Alaska. Four Alaskas would fit

in to Siberia. Thirteen Siberiae would fit in to the

Pacific Ocean. I had thought it was four until I did my

research. The earth is three times the size of the

Pacific. The ocean is TWO MILES deep in some places and

three, four, five, six and nearly SEVEN MILES deep in one

place. The atmosphere extends 350 miles straight up. Now

you think about all that for the next 40 years or longer.=20

To think that we could pollute the atmosphere or cause

'warming" of the earth or the oceans or the

atmosphere is patently absurd. Man is far to puny to

pollute our behemoth planet. This earth could feed

somewhere between 50 and 150 BILLION souls. In Siberia,

you could walk SIX THOUSAND miles and not see a solitary soul.

I've been to Shanghai: population 26 million. In the western portion, I

encountered several long minutes when I did not see a solitary

soul. Cebu is a narrow island and province in the

Philippines. There are mountains that extend the entire

central portion of the island. Cebu city is crowded as is

the countryside. Yet I encountered a large section of

countryside in which I did not see a solitary soul. You

see the lying liberal-sodomite-globalist- enviro eco-terror

PRESS has been brainwashing you for your entire life. You

will be shocked when you learn that the LIES they have

impugned upon you are just that. Did you know that there

are MORE trees on every continent now with the possible

exception of Europe as of 1997 than in 1620? Pretty

amazing, isn't it? Did you know that nuclear power is

the SAFEST type of power? I could go on 24 hours a day for

the next six months.

What did that idiot Karl Marx say? Oh yeah! "Know how to destroy capitalism? Create the science of ecology." Think about that one for the next 40 years. What a wonderful world this would be if any one said "go green", "recycle", "environmentally sound", "don't pollute", "control population", "animal rights' were to be tried, and if convicted put to death?

Climate change is the burning issue at the present world. Generally,Asian countries are affected very much.

In this area most of the countries losses their own weather.It is the prefect time to take step for preventing this issue otherwise we will have to face many problem.

yes global warming is real and its effects are also the real.Though its a global warning problem yet it has not been yet taken seriously.The developed countries are mainly responsible for this but its effects are more effective in developing countries.There the people are dealing with the climatic changes,skin diseases,snowless mountains and so on.So the problem due to which we people are suffering how cant it be real....,,,

In a way it is real, more CO2 will cause a very small amount of warming but nothing to be considered dangerous, we are now 17yrs 9months without any significant warming, while all the time CO2 is rising, eventually people will realize that it is not the issue it is being made out to be.

Just look at the people. See how we all act. We are greedy, and selfish by a huge percentage. We eat badly, and we do far too many strange things. This is so from the top to the bottom of the heap. All of us are affected by global warming. And we did this. It is our faults, and this problem goes back for decades, and it will take decades to fix this mess...if we are that lucky. What a terrible terrible shame on us all.


0.87 degrees in 353 years, is that what you call catastrophic global warming?

No, Global Warming and Climate Change are hoaxes. This is what some of the proponents of these scams say.

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

Redistribution of wealth is one of the main tenets of Communism.

Quote by Christine Stewart, former Canadian Environment Minister: “No matter if the science is all phoney, there are collateral environmental benefits.... climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

Justice and equality are code words for Communism.

There is a lot more on this subject, but does it seem rather suspicious that people are scaring you into thinking there is a calamity, when there really isn't one. Then once they get you scared that there is a danger they take away your rights and raise taxes. That is what it is all about. It is a political ploy or a scam. Even the proponents admit it.


Yes it is very real, a lot of scientists have proven that it is, also planet earth is believed to go through stages or warming and cooling, and at the moment it is believed that the earth is naturally warming up, along with artificial global warming accelerating the effects even more. Us people have been gifted with this planet, and yet we are destroying it, even when there are many efficient, non pollution ways of running our planet. The government just cant be bothered. By the way, i think some of the major natural warming and cooling happened around the time when the continents were rapidly shifting apart. But yes global warming is real and it is a big problem, it may not be at the moment, but it definitely will be in the future.

Off course

there is debate at YA and public/politics, not in the scientific community. Yes, real.

i think its very possible that all the gases we spill into our atmosphere may make it disappear, then we will all get sick from being too close to space.

i think we should all use electric cars now we have the technology to.

and save all that ancient oil for the utmost importance. that way the oil will last.

or just keep spunking it away, its there choice.