> What worsens ozone depletion?

What worsens ozone depletion?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
a) coal-fired power plants

b) gasoline engines

c) CFC coolants

d) nuclear power plants

e) hydroelectric power plants

f) solar heating of homes

g) deforestation?

First, understand what creates ozone and its characteristics. Oxygen molecules (O2) in the upper atmosphere are struck by ultraviolet radiation, causing a jump in energy level and re-combining of oxygen atoms into ozone (O3). Ozone is highly reactive, so its life is dependent on temperature and pressure, and it depletes quickly back to O2. It takes constant bombardment from the sun to produce the ozone in the stratosphere. It is the by-product of UV radiation from the sun.

Ozone altitude range is wider at the mid-latitudes (above the tropics) where more is formed because of direct UV rays. Some of this migrates to the polar regions. Cold temperatures and stratospheric ice clouds (and, ironically, the return of the sun in the polar spring) combine with chlorine compounds to catabolize ozone. Normal thickness of ozone is 300 Dobson units , but catabolism can thin ozone to about 100 DU (when we refer to it as an "ozone hole").

For Ozone depletion I would say: C is the major contributor. However, you could say that A,B and G cause ozone depletion due to a decrease in the available oxygen to create ozone. Global waming would be caused by all four of those answers as well. Increasing the amount of green house gases causes more heat to be trapped in our atmosphere. A depletion in our ozone will allow more solar radiation to hit and be absorbed by our planet, which will cause warming via terrestrial radiation and also because more of the radiation, which would normall go back into space, will be redirected back towards the earth via interactions with the accumulated green house gases.

a) coal-fired power plants, increases CO2, increases heating, lofts more water vapor into the ozone layer... depleting ozone

b) gasoline engines, increases CO2 and water vapor, increases heating, lofts more water vapor into the ozone layer... depleting ozone

c) CFC coolants, directly depletes ozone, but not in current use (not since the 1990s), another few decades and it will "all" be gone. And not the reason why the equator currently has little in the way of ozone protection.

d) nuclear power plants, increases water vapor (cooling towers and ponds), increases heating, lofts more water vapor into the ozone layer... depleting ozone

e) hydroelectric power plants, increases water vapor (lakes ahead of the dam, also alters ocean currents and surface behavior), increases heating, lofts more water vapor into the ozone layer... depleting ozone

g) deforestation, increases CO2 and reduces O2, increases heating, lofts more water vapor into the ozone layer... depleting ozone


as it makes a continous reaction with ozone and deplets the ozone layer.This reaction never stops

the sun and changes in the earths magnetic field.

None. It is the sun.

Media reporting.

Ozone concentration is not declining.

Global ozone concentration. http://climexp.knmi.nl/data/io3col_180--...

Antarctic ozone concentration 70S to 90S. http://climexp.knmi.nl/data/io3col_180--...

CFC coolants abd nuclear power plants

If I am thinking right, you are able to circle more than 1 answer. In that case, A, B, C are what you're looking for.

IMO, deforestation, then gas engines, then coal fired plants. It is no where near as simple as you make it sound, btw.

a) coal-fired power plants

b) gasoline engines

c) CFC coolants

d) nuclear power plants

e) hydroelectric power plants

f) solar heating of homes

g) deforestation?

Only (C). a and b actually emit ozone, which often is the cause of smog.

C only

a, b, c and perhaps g