> How did CO2 cause snow in my Home Town?

How did CO2 cause snow in my Home Town?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Dontcha know?

Ok, here is how it works. If it is warm out, then its because of global warming. If it is cold out, it is because of weather. When a large part of the nation has colder than normal temps, it is weather. When california has a drought, it is global warming. But the normal rain patterns in the rest of the nation with slightly above normal rain, is just weather. BUT, if there is snow, it is because of the polar vortex disruption caused by global warming, unless the snow is located in a location that is not affected by the polar vortex in which case it is weather. Similarly, extremely weather that occurred in the past was caused by weather, but extreme weather occurring now is caused by global warming.

So in the future, every possible weather event either proves global warming or is just weather.

Now bang your head on the warmists wall of enlightment (or any hard surface), until this makes sense to you.

Ha! Ha! Just look at Henry's answer. Blah! Blah! That crap has been debunked so many times on this site it is a shame that people still show their ignorance. I guess he admittedly took classes on this subject and forgot to check whether the teacher was a commie or not.

Notice this in particular, " Don't let anyone tell you that climate change isn't real simply because they got some snow." Funny, Al Gore seven years ago said one of the signs of GW or CC was that we wouldn't have ANY snow in seven years. Children born after that year would never know what snow was.

Wow! How these greenies change their tune when facts prove them wrong.

I was raised at the other end of the state (Elev. 1300 ft.) and many a time we trick or treated in t-shirts. I also saw it snow in July back in the 40s. No accumulation but there were snowflakes just the same. Nobody was paying attention to the CO2 level at that time and the local weatherman was Whitey Larson broadcasting out of WNAX in Yankton and I doubt that he even knew what CO2 was.

Of course the Black Hills is know for some of the most unusual weather. You have the predominantly northwestern wind coming across virtually a flat area. Once these winds hit the hills they divert the winds upward and cause all kinds of different actions. In those hills are the largest change in temperature in the shortest period of time ever recorded on the earth.

But in this case the unusual snow was recorded in Calgary, Montana, North Dakota among other places. It was unusual and had nothing to do with CO2. But neither does any other weather or climate condition, despite what Al Gore says.

Short answer: in a very complex way, if at all.

I am new to the Environmental Yahoo category but it is remarkable (because I am remarking on it) how many conspiracy theorists are rattling their cages here and how few scientifically literate members

To that point... The scientific consensus is clearly that earth's climate is changing more rapidly than we have very seen before with only a few possible exceptions. Those being based on the fossil record of "events" which caused the extinction of something like 90% of the species of life (includes dinosaurs, birds, mammals, fish, clams, snails, worms, insects trees, ferns, grass, moss, EVERYTHING. The consensus is also that the rate of change is, at least in part and, probably, in large part, due to human activity. The human activity that correlates astoundingly well with the rate of climate change is our combustion of fossil fuels (returning billions of tons of carbon stored in untold millenia of dead plants into "circulation" as CO2).

The "global warming" goons do not understand nor accept the overwhelming body of scientific evidence for climate change and keep clinging to the "global warming" terminology. Climate change is NOT global warming. The climate change we have seen so far is evident in the magnitude and frequency of weather extremes (highest highs, lowest lowest, longest droughts, worst floods, etc, etc). Since our most complete weather history data goes back only a hundred years or less (which is miniscule in climate terms), it is statistically difficult to say, with any certainty, that a particular snow fall in a particle region on a particular day is "because of climate change".

What scientists are trying to do is sort of like the canary in the coal mine... Get people's attention so we start changing our behavior because, by the time it does become obvious (statistically confidence that weather extremes are, in fact and undeniably, caused by climate change), it will be too late and human society as we know it will not be possible.

Is CO2 400ppmv there too? It must be only 280ppmv there. Where is this chaotic nonsense coming from? Did Pegminer put you up to this question of "denier" nonsense? How could a chaotic, non-linear climate do this to you? How absurd!!! (Shhh! I heard that global average temperatures haven't really gone up in 26 years. In fact, according to UAH data, temperatures have actually fallen by 0.08C since 1988. It must be some kind of "climate shift" or something)

This blows me a away. I am wondering now if we are going to get snow for the Broncos game. OK I know it is weather but it wasn't so long ago that some bloke in Britain was whining about the end of snow.

Looks like it could be a cold snowy winter for Northern America, climates have cycles, we had the warming part of the cycle in the 80's 90's and early 2000's looks like we might be entering a cooling phase now.

CO2 has very little effect on climate.

The only reason it's so hot is because of that Shrek is love video on youtube. I just saw it and it made my mom's basement so hot!!!!

Climate change is making the world hotter, but it may not necessarily make your city warmer. As atmospheric temperatures rise, the polar vortex is disrupted. The polar vortex is an area of barometric pressure surrounding the Arctic area and keeping the colder air closer to the north, as it should be. As this is disrupted, the cold air from the north collides with warmer air from the equator. One of the consequences of this is that areas are sometimes much warmer when they shouldn't be (Greenland, the Arctic ice) or colder (A few parts of America, Britain). Don't let anyone tell you that climate change isn't real simply because they got some snow. Ironically, it may be proof that it is.

Climate change is not a daily weather forecast. It is that the daily weather is going to have "more extremes" in it, such as more tornados, worse winters, hotter summers(or not as hot summers). That is Climate change effects.

Alarmist year 2000: "There is a difference between WEATHER and CLIMATE. And your home town is LOCAL not GLOBAL, you stupid denier."

Alarmist year 2014: "This is CLIMATE and not WEATHER and is caused by GLOBAL CLIMATE change, you stupid denier."


I remember being surprised it snowed on Halloween once. This is ridiculous. It is definitely warm here in LA.

I don't think it did, I think it was because it's over 3000' elevation and is in South Dakota.

It didn't. Carbon dioxide only causes warming.

It just didn't prevent snow in your home town.

Ask again during a deadly heat wave

It probably did not.