> How to stay safe in a heatwave?

How to stay safe in a heatwave?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
First, the UV is not particularly relevant to the heat--it could be just as extreme with cool temperatures. Do keep the house closed up during the heat of the day (both to sunlight and outside air), but when it gets "cool" outside, open things up. Don't expect to accomplish a lot once it gets hot inside, try to get work/studying etc. done in the morning hours or late evening.

Drink lots of water. Put cold wet towels on your neck. If you stay wet and keep the air moving around you (such as from a fan) it will keep you surprising cool.

I've actually played golf for 12 hours in similar conditions to what you're describing (I did not walk the course, though!). That's hot, but if the dew point is low (<60) it should not be that bad.

Eat bananas and something a little bit salty to replace your electrolytes when you sweat. Otherwise, stay in the shade. In the morning when it's not too hot, erect big shades outside over the windows to prevent the heat that can radiate through glass.

If you are worried about your water, maybe boil it and let it cool off before drinking any more.

Here’s some tips for staying cool:

? Keep the curtains/blinds closed to keep the sun out, but open the windows to let the air in.

? Sit in the breeze (by an open door or window), where possible face into the breeze, leave windows open at night.

? Avoid anything strenuous

? Wear loose fitting, light coloured clothes

? Drink plenty of fluids (contrary to popular belief it doesn’t have to be water)

? Eat light foods, avoid starchy foods, ones high in carbohydrates and fats. East little but often rather than big heavy meals. Eat lots of mint.

? Freeze things like melon and pineapple, eat ice-cream.

? Eat spicy foods (it seems odd but it increases perspiration and cools you down, it’s no coincidence that spicy foods are widely eaten in hot countries)

? Avoid using anti-perspirants (they block up the pores of your skin and prevent sweating - which is your body’s natural way of cooling you down). Most deodorants are fine.

? Take regular cool baths or showers. The water should be cool but not uncomfortable.

? Stay downstairs, hot air rises so it will be cooler downstairs. Cooler still in the basement if you have one.

? Turn off anything that’s generating heat that’s not in use, computers are a prime example.

? Run cold water over your wrists every so often, put your feet in cool water.

? BEST OF ALL: If it’s practical then wear wet clothes, as the clothes dry out they will draw a lot of heat from your body. Alternatively wear a wet bandana or cap or cover exposed skin with a wet towel. You can spray yourself with an atomiser (the thing you spray plants with).

Drink water, stay indoors with AC as much as possible

Drink a lot of water. Not coffee, soda, or anything with sugar or caffeine.

Have a Fosters and throw a few shrimp on the Barbie Shela.

by drinking lots of water and wearing as little as possible

we are expected to reach 105F-112F till Saturday's Cool change in australia

most of you might be in jackets reading this snow must be good eh? any let's get to the bottom line

i haven't got air con, i have a fan t works ok. i feel sick i may have a upset stomach from drinking a few weeks old water. here is how i feel

1. Dizzyness Sensation light'headness 10-15 Seconds




5. Lazy

im just scared if i don't get a heat stroke im 15. its 7.00 am currently its 77F

it wll reach 94 by 1.00 pm uv Sun predicted to reach (12) EXTREME

ur facts how's it summer over there? well Summer Dec1-march 1. Fall march 1-june 1