> How many people still believe in global warming?

How many people still believe in global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If I read climate change articles in Yahoo news, I always check the comments, it seems to me 90% of the comments are against AGW

I think the real question is how many people care. Many people don't care one way or another. If pressed to answer yes or no they will say yes. When surveyed about what public issues are important, AGW always comes in at the bottom. Our politicians need to work on issues people are actually concerned about like the economy, jobs, and securing the border.


Luckily, the truth is coming out fairly well, DESPITE the many lies for both sides.

Most people actually do believe AGW is occurring, but MOST people also do not place AGW as a huge priority.

This is ACTUALLY the truth. It is occurring, but it is NOT a huge catastrophe. The temps have increased by 0.8 degree over the past 100 years. the seas are rising by 3 mm/ year or about an inch every 8 years.

Shoudl we do something about this? Sure. Should we run around scared, pulling our hair out and acting as if the world is going to end? NOT EVEN A LITTLE.

Fact is that WHILE some people are talking about multi-trillion dollar tax solutions, none of that is necessary. We can adress AGW without any increase in taxes. In fact, it is partially being addressed now. Solar power has been decreasing in cost consistently. Further, Solar power has been increasing in sales in a exponential-looking manner.

The other thing we can do is support nuclear power.

But here is something to note. The alarmists and environmentalists, are not only LYING to you, but they are stopping progress.

Lets looks at some of the things they have been trying to stop.

1.) Nuclear power. This is literally the safest form of power we have, having 0 deaths in the US. Not even wind power can make this boast. Still the enviros have so lied and scared the public that people think they will have green-glowing three-armed children.

2.) Hydro power - enviros protest this all of the time, because it might displace the spotted horny toad or some other such BS.

3.) Natural gas. Fracking is extremely safe and natural gas has less than half the CO2 footprint of oil, yet who are against it??? Environmentalists.

4.) Alaskan oilline. This is a much more efficient way of getting oil, thereby decreasing the CO2 footprint in transport AND also making it less likely to have huge problems like the Exxon-Valdez. Who is against this measure? Environmentalists.

5.) Geothermal. For the most part this has very little CO2 footprint, especialyl in comparison with oil and coal. Who is against this? Environmentalists.

Even Solar and wind have been opposed by environmentalists. Their sole answer seems to be taxation. Personally, I think Nuclear and solar is the way to go. I have certain plans that if implemented, would actually decrease your energy costs, while dropping our CO2 production to a fraction of what it is now in only 30 years. I have stated these ideas here and who has been against them??? Environmentalists.

You see, these people are makign a pretense of some scary nightmare that is not going to occur and do not even have the common courtesy to develop a feasible plan.

Luckily, most people are seeing through all of this and recognize that tax tax tax is not a plan and the AGW is not going to cause the end of humanity (or death of billions as soem otehr people claim, but never back up with evidence).

This is not to say that enviros are always wrong, BUT they are certainly overreactionary. They have a view that is ALWAYS going to be left of the truth. Just as people like Rush have views that are always right of the truth.

The number of people who believe is down. The number of people who don't think of it as a priority is way down. Your comments anecdote is surprising given that Skeptical Science runs a rapid response team and twitter feed to alert their followers to go fill the comment feeds on all these posts. They also had an organized campaign to get good reviews for Michael Mann's book on Amazon, coordinated with Mann himself.

There wasn't enough a third of a century ago to get the drastic measures which proved unnecessary now. Surely there are still fewer now.

Some AGW supporters would prescribe chemotherapy for a minor infection. I suggest they change their methodology if they wish action to occur.

Many! The scam is man made global warming. That is the fuel that alarmist, left wing politicians and extremist use in their fear mongering to gain money power and wealth. Take Alonso Gore for instance.

But about two in three Americans (63%) believe global warming is by contrast, majorities believe that global warming will warm future generations of people.

A lot of pseudo-scientists believe in things. Since I am an actual scientist, I leave belief to religions. I am skeptical that alarmists have even come close to proving that we have caused any significant or harmful warming.

The truth is, these people are makign any pretense of some scary nightmare that will not occur and do not have the common courtesy to produce a feasible plan.

The polls show that most Americans believe in climate change.

If I read climate change articles in Yahoo news, I always check the comments, it seems to me 90% of the comments are against AGW

Then you need to read more carelully. It's 90 percent that believe in global warming.

Not that the numbers -- or opinions -- matter. AGW is an established fact. It is not going to change because of some polls any more than the law of gravity will.

Only those on the Taxpayer Teat.....Rentseekers who are unabashedly gobbling up Taxpayer $$Billions for senseless "research" to prove that Man is responsible for all that is evil.

A good number of Lemming-types can be included with those on the Taxpayer dole.

A majority of Americans and about 99% of scientists

You're also bound to get lots of comments on articles about UFOs, vaccines and any subject deemed controversial by some. Yet the number of comments and what these comments claim says absolutely nothing about the validity of the underlying issue.

The thing is... the crackpots tend to be more vocal, in fora like the comment section of Yahoo News. Sensible people tend to have better things to do, and actual scientists are too busy doing, well, science, and posting/writing places like scientific papers and science journals, not the comment section of Yahoo News.

Time will tell. In the meantime you should be conserving anyway.


90% of the people that write those comments are whackos.

99% people