> Why do so many Amercans not believe in anthropogenic global warming?

Why do so many Amercans not believe in anthropogenic global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
the general public education in sciences is very poor, add to that the right wing FOX news and you have a lot of ignorance. Millions of Americans believe the entire universe was created in 6 days about 6000 years ago.

"The World Economic Forum ranks the United States 52nd in the quality of mathematics and science education, and 5th (and declining) in overall global competitiveness" (First link)

That being said, they have some of the finest universities and research labs in the world. NASA and Dr Hansen are Americans.

The Kyoto treaty fell apart. Countries learned that they were being scammed. Any "consensus" is a figment of doomsday-lovers' imagination (see the discredited website "skeptical science" which is neither skeptical nor scientific). Actual science shows that manmade effect on the current natural warming variation in temperature is about .01 of a degree C. If you depend entirely on wiki for your information, you get your information slanted toward the wiki managers' opinion, which is decidedly catastrophic anti-human. Sorry.

I think the crux of the issue is social in nature. America, like most democracies, is a country in which great emphasis is placed on individuality. In such societies, non-conformity is seen as a positive trait. In other countries, such as Japan, the society is very different and conformity is prized. And I think there is a definite section of the population in the US and other nations who will take the contrary view to the 'established' one because that is partially how one defines your individuality.

There is also something rather attractive about taking the contrary view to that of the 'establishment'. You might call it the 'Lone Gunman' phenomenon, after the nerds in the X-Files. Nations like the US have a long history of journalists and others digging away for the truth, exposing fraud, scandal, or criminal activity, and bringing people to account. It is these people we praise in democratic societies, and taking the contrary view places people into this mould. It isn't simply that you've taken the contrary view, it's that you and a small band of people like you are striving to expose the truth against insurmountable odds. There is, in other words, a form of self-glorification.

Now add to that the fact that most people are quite conservative. When the 'established' view upsets that conservative view then you have problems. People don't like bad news, particularly if that news involves you having to change aspects of your lives. It's in some ways easier to believe it's a lie, and hence you can glorify your position as a Lone Gunman, rather than accept that you might have to change behaviour. People still smoke despite knowing it causes cancer, despite all the efforts to 'change behaviour' because that's the one thing that takes a long time to do.

Now you add into the mix that the US has become increasingly xenophobic. It isn't just that climate change is happening, or that US scientists and others are lying to the public and need to be exposed by the small band of crusaders fighting against 'the Man' for 'the truth', it's also that foreign, non-US organisations are trying to 'meddle' in US affairs. We've seen already people here referring wrongly to Spain's economy (it wasn't green energy but the collapse of their construction industry, like in Ireland, that pushed them over the edge as a result of bad loans by banks) and to pushing the US into a 'third-world' economy. Anything foreign is bad. Anything American is good. And sections of the population see anything being handed to the US from organisations such as the UN as a loss of power and a loss of sovereignty.

Finally, there is the uncomfortable reality for Americans that they are the bad guys. They are the biggest polluters and the biggest problem. It's easier to argue 'if we change it, we'll harm our big economy' and therefore shirk responsibility rather than 'how do maintain our economy and also change it'.

Most of the rejection of AGW has nothing to do with science and everything to do with individualism and conservatism.

The US does not have a very solid science education for all. Some schools and universities do it well, but large numbers are disenfranchised when it comes to basic science, mathematics, logic and free thought. You just need to look at some of the answers by the deniers to see the result.

So it is easy for the vested interests to manipulate the uneducated masses. That is the way the 0.1% of ultra wealthy like it and so that is the way it is going to stay.

When you have a LOT of money and power climate change is not really a problem for you personally. With enough money you can always find a comfortable place to live. The lives of others do not concern them.

You can see by some of the answers not just to this question but others also how totally fanatically indoctrinated the followers of the denier cult are. No evidence, no logic will sway them. A bit like the Headless Monks from Dr Who, By removal of the head they were impervious to being swayed by reason or logic.

"i've checked the included sources and they seem very legitimate."

[79] and [200] are from the US NAS and the UK RS. The Royal Society used to have the principle that they never got involved in anything political. Someone has leant on both of them to get involved and issue a statement. Neither body asked their membership for input so those documents will not necessarily be representative of their membership. In fact, I do not know of any scientific organisation that has polled its membership before issuing a statement. So all the so-called corroborative evidence could have come from the two volunteer activists that opted to join the Climate Change Committee of their institution.

[201] is the Cook et al paper. They do not include much of the data in the paper and Professor Richard Tol at Sussex University in the UK is trying to get access to the raw data to replicate the results. The authors have not made it freely available and the last I heard about half of it was still to be released.

If you look at the categories they used in the survey one was for the abstracts of papers that thought most of the warming (over 50%) was caused by humans. It turns out that only 0.3% of the abstracts fell into this category. So the data collected for that paper shows that 99.7% of abstracts say that man is not the major contributor to climate change.

They managed to spin that into a 97% vote for AGW! I am sorry, but that does not sound legitimate to me. How much more peer-reviewed climate science is in the same category?

The other problems are: it has been warmer before, we have had much more CO2 in the atmosphere before and temperature changes cause CO2 increases - not the other way round.

"Why are Americans (and Canadians) so out of the loop? " Perhaps they are the sensible ones?

I hate to state the obvious but common sense; of which the warmonist continue to demonstrate a complete lack. Pegminer and his ignorant political interpretation of what happens when people get fed up with liberal ineptness, and Elizabeth with her ridiculous psycho analysis.

When even supposedly well educated people believe that Republican leaders think not paying the debt is a good thing, or that that's what they are trying to accomplish, it calls into question the level of knowledge among educated people.

Far more people think it is not a good thing to borrow a trillion dollars a year, or even hundreds of billions.

Here's why.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

anthropogenic global warming is an undefined concept, since global warming is also an undefined concept. Is global warming the same thing as climate change? Is the globe not supposed to warm while orbiting the sun? And "human-induced greenhouse warming" is this the same as global warming, climate change?

Why have the climate models failed?




Same reason that so many people in Europe are abandoning the religion of AGW. It's a fraud.

Don't hold us Canadians responsible for what Harper did. Most Canadians know that Climate change is a fact. Hell, our government gives us coupons to buy energy efficient things


Just by looking up the topic on Wikipedia, the scientific consensus on global warming is that it is happening and is largely due to human activity. Say what you will abut wikipedia, but i've checked the included sources and they seem very legitimate.

As to why i've focused the topic on my fellow Americans: The entire world has come together to help combat climate change with the Kyoto Protocol, with the notable exceptions of the US, Canada, Russia, Palestine, and south Sudan. Why are Americans (and Canadians) so out of the loop?

Here's that wiki passage. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_warming#cite_note-202

"Most scientists agree that humans are contributing to observed climate change.[79][200] A meta study of academic papers concerning global warming, published between 1991 and 2011 and accessible from Web of Knowledge, found that among those whose abstracts expressed a position on the cause of global warming, 97.2% supported the consensus view that it is man made.[201] In an October 2011 paper published in the International Journal of Public Opinion Research, researchers from George Mason University analyzed the results of a survey of 489 American scientists working in academia, government, and industry. Of those surveyed, 97% agreed that that global temperatures have risen over the past century and 84% agreed that "human-induced greenhouse warming" is now occurring, only 5% disagreeing that human activity is a significant cause of global warming.[202][203] National science academies have called on world leaders for policies to cut global emissions.[204]"

Unfortunately people in the U.S. are not well-educated. How else can you explain that many people--even some Republican leaders--believe that not paying our debts would be a good thing to do?

It will only get worse until people start valuing education again, if things don't turn around again the U.S. could turn into a third world country.

EDIT: Zippi62, while the national debt is concerning, it is not nearly as worrisome as the willingness of dodos in the house (and many more on Yahoo) that somehow think that not paying it is a reasonable thing to do. That is not just stupid, it is immoral as far I'm concerned.

That's an easy one!

The 'Man-did-it-Warming Club' has been caught too many times cooking/manipulating/fabricating the data that they claim supports their religion.

Most scientists have integrity, but have been made to look bad by a greedy, egotistic, few among them.

So sad!!

There are several reasons, among them the deliberate anti-science deception campaign spearheaded by fossil fuel companies, their funded politicians, and the duped voters electing those politicians.











A 0.012% change in our atmosphere (CO2 rise from 0.028% to 0.04%) tells most of the story but when climate science (the people who wrote the definition on wiki) tells us that there has been a 1% change in our energy budget and will cause a 2.8C rise in Global average temperatures and it doesn't come to fruition then there is a cause for pause. CO2 is not a driver of Global average temperatures. It is a trace gas which helps our planet maintain its temperature and doesn't drive it and never has. Water is our driver which includes water vapor, clouds, and eventually rain. 70% of our surface is water. The AMO and PDO have a lot to do with how our temperatures fluctuate.

Go back 1400 years and you will notice we have had many periods of temperature fluctuations. The MWP and LIA are great examples. We are currently in a natural warming trend because we just came out of the Little Ice Age.

Global Warming started as a political crusade against big oil and coal because it seemed that these types of companies were causing the price of living to increase and people were dependent on it. CO2 increases have nothing to do with Global warming!

pegminer - Debt is rising because we can make up money through legislation (passing spending bills) and banks can make up money through fractional reserve lending ($100 in the bank gives them the ability to lend out $1000). That's both a democrat and republican issue. Bankers and lawyers are the ones creating the problems and it seems that many democrats in Congress are heavily invested in both. I do agree with you that we need to educate people better, but that means all people. Education doesn't just come from schools.

Edit back at pegminer : Most of that debt is created out of thin air and is only owed to ourselves. This is self-imposed devaluation of our own currency created by our own Government and its created debts. You also don't seem to understand that the only thing that our Government pays is the interest on the debt. Principle is only paid to the nations that we owe. Government is there to help us "govern" ourselves and not to be run as a business with an endless bank account. "Global Warming" is a big business now simply due to Governments thinking they can dictate people's behavior. Government laws have created our current financial situation and have also created a high activity situation (i.e. stimulus). They should stick to governing. Not dictating. Most of the Global Warming issue is politics and not actual science!

Just where is this 'observed climate change'?

Do you see any?

Also, you left out China and India. Notice, the US is borrowing money from China. And the US just gave the UN $100,000,000,000 last December to fight the mythical AGW. You call that out of the loop? You obviously are 'loopy'.

Wikipedia is very biased on climate change, and many articles have been changed over the years to emphasize climate change.

Kyoto is dead, it failed and there are no plans to resurrect it.

The 97% consensus is ridiculous, if I was asked (I am a confirmed skeptic) does CO2 cause warming, is CO2 produced by human activity, I would have to say yes, which would put me in the 97%.

However if I was asked if continuing rise of CO2 was likely to cause damaging warming to our planet, I would say NO.

can you see that "human-induced greenhouse warming" here http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.459737285...

Perhaps because there has been no appreciable warming for the last 15 years.

The fossil fuel industry has major lobbyists working around the clock to keep the American people believing there is a debate on global warming....sadly it's working.

Americans dont want carbon taxes to send people into 3rd

world status . Green jobs gave Spain 20% unemployment .

And some of the liberal news media turn it into a new age religon .