> Average Global Temperature for the Last 15 Years?

Average Global Temperature for the Last 15 Years?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I'm looking for the average temp since 1998, up to 2012. But I can't find this data ANYWHERE.

And here is another source


Trying to us 1998 as the starting point to create an average is an old denier trick note in the above 98 is far warm than the years around it, this is because of a record El Nino that happened through 97 and into 98, the strongest seen in the last 100 years. This is why denier want to use it to give a slued average and make the rather sad claim of cooling since 98.

When in fact two years have since been physically warmer, 2005 & 2010 and allow for the effect of that very strong El Nino and in fact many of the years since where in effect also warmer, even without the aid of such an El Nino years like 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009 would all have been warmer than 1998.

Try GISTEMP. At the bottom of the chart is the amount to add to get the actual temps.

Not so long its been i read the temp was 64 degrees

The data from satellites that UAH manages for NASA is available online.


Here is one from Japan.


Check this link and grab a calculator


I'm looking for the average temp since 1998, up to 2012. But I can't find this data ANYWHERE.