> Which of the following do not belong in global warming section?

Which of the following do not belong in global warming section?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It does look like there might be people on both sides doing it.

I'd suspect that y/a will get a flood of complaints - the folks in politics are way worse than here.

Now if whoever posted the question got an email that it had been moved, and who moved it, then I'd be fine with it.

They belong wherever the asker chooses to put them, even if it is in an inappropriate category.

For example, the second question has almost nothing to do with global warming as it concerns car safety. The asker chose to put it in GW because he/she wanted to provoke a reaction. Given that this was their choice then GW is where it belongs.

I’ve just found the 4th question in Mythology and Folklore and have returned it back to GW, even if M and F is a better place for it. The other questions were in GW.

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EDIT (TO HEY DOOK): To move Q's you have to be at level 7. However, some level 7's in the Y!A category were saying they couldn't move Q's, no explanation why some can and others can't.

Also, folks can now post anonymously (both Q’s and A’s) but it’s not as anonymous as it seems as the user id is in the source code.

Never heard of a question being MOVED between categories, once posted.

Questions are often POSTED in odd categories, sometimes by strange choice of the poster, more often because the poster clicks blindly to accept whatever odd classification pops up first from the YA computer.

EDIT: Wholly Reptilian Hollow Moon Bat Sheet Man! I stand corrected: what I said above is obviously obsolete, at least for now. There is a new "Edit Category", button that I completely failed to notice, that ANYONE can click on for ANY question and send that question off to ANY other category, for ANY reason or non-reason.

Tried it out just now:

1) Sent "Where on Earth is all this Catastrophic Climate Changing occurring?" to "Alternative Fuel Vehicles"

2) Sent one of my own old questions "Which scientist if any uses the term "global cooling" (and how often compared to anti-science dupes using it)?" to

"Politics & Government / Law & Ethics."

So, in my newly updated state of knowledge, I feel emboldened to freely speculate that either

a) Carbon tax death ray emitting Reptilian shape-shifters have infiltrated YA to wreck havoc upon it.

b) They have infiltrated to warp users minds by pretending to wreck havoc. (Actually the shift of questions between categories is only a hollow moon holographic illusion, like the Nobel science prizes or Newton's laws of gravity.

c) In advance of killing YA altogether, the authorities have loosed 16 year-old hackers upon it.

d) In advance of downsizing it by 95%, YA is first warping it and testing out how users react.

Deniers have too much power in this section

but i'll give some answers;

1- who is 'we'. I don't think he is.

2-how can anyone answer that?

3-most of them are conservatives and they tend to be bullies

4-where is it not?

to answer your original question, i think #2 may not belong

I would have favored that they put it there anyway or maybe under religion but it is beyond stupid to allow the rank of file of YA abusers to move questions they don't like. You would think someone might have anticipated that.

All of the following were moved by an unknown miscreant to mythology and folklore.

1)Is it worse than we thought? Or is the President lying?

‘The temperature around the globe is increasing faster than was predicted, even ten years ago.’

2)How many lives have been lost by these lighter unsafe gas miser cars?

3)Is "reporting" tailored made for climate science deniers who cannot handle the truth?

Note that this is identical to another question that was not moved.

4)Where on Earth is all this Catastrophic Climate Changing occurring?