> Why do they measure atmospheric CO2 in Mauna Loa, Hawaii?

Why do they measure atmospheric CO2 in Mauna Loa, Hawaii?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It's a question on my study guide for finals and I really have no idea.

Being in the middle of the Pacific and at a very high elevation, it is the perfect place to get consistent, reliable readings.

The undisturbed air, remote location, and minimal influences of vegetation and human activity at MLO are ideal for monitoring constituents in the atmosphere that can cause climate change.

It is not the only place CO2 is measured, but I guess it gets a lot of press.

I'd guess it's because it's a remote location far away from any major industrial area. CO2 tends to gather around places that produce a lot of it, so if you want to get neutral readings you need to take them as far away from CO2-producing regions as possible.

And Hawaii is pretty much as far from the industrial regions of America as you can be while still being on American soil.

I guess if there is a point that deniers will roll out the lies for it's CO2 collection (see maxx's answer)

The facts are islands make excellent points as the air coming to them is off the ocean and less prone to seasonal variations due to plant life and industry, Mauna Loa is certainly not the only station there are many, Mauna Loa is just one of the oldest.


Other deniers like Matthew try to call 'scientists' "radical environmentalists and communists" because trying to play on the rights hatred of "radical environmentalists and communists" is about as imaginative as denier groups can get.

But the fact is these people are scientists, doing real research and admitting that scares the hell out of deniers. Given their own sides total lack of any real science to back their many absurd claims.

Co2 is an important greenhouse gas. It needs to be measured

This will Help you..

Kano actually got it correct. Amazing.

Mauna Loa is not an ideal place to measure CO2 in my opinion. There is a volcano on that same island that outputs CO2. I don't know how you could ever get accurate measurements.


Mauna Loa is the main data manipulation center for the C02 rise fraud. The people in charge are radical environmentalists and communists who can be trusted to lie and continue the fraud indefinatly.

Why didn't you search is After all it is your assignment, not ours

It's a question on my study guide for finals and I really have no idea.