> Warren Buffet is not worried about Climate Change and he has financial interests in catastrophies. Why are you?

Warren Buffet is not worried about Climate Change and he has financial interests in catastrophies. Why are you?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I am a Wisconsin state public adjuster as well as a public adjuster in Kansas. I am also a contractor in the states of Illinois and Indiana for hail and storm damage recovery. My whole life is fighting like a lawyer with insurance companies. Let me tell you that they have ZERO worries about AGW. Yes they will use it as an excuse to get the states to raise rates(which only blue states accept, hence proving AGW is political) they are crooks however and are trying to deny/ get the right to deny claims on AGW. The insurance boards of ALL states will not allow them to. They can add up to only $3 to $7 a month towards "climate change" factors but when push comes to shove and the truth has to be said in court........they get the axe....why? Because behind close doors there is ZERO proof that AGW is real thus insurance companies cannot legally deny claims.

What these crooks are doing however is scamming believers with what are called "endorsements" where you can pay extra for "climate change effects" to your insured property. How this is legal I have no clue because if some Mega disaster happened from climate change insurance would not cover it anyways. It falls under the "acts of God" category. However these crooks are trying to charge more, a lot more in the name of AGW. Great point Sagebrush and Warren Buffet knows the laws like I do hence why he knows it is BS. Now you see why I fight and combat AGW so much.

If there is one trend to look at to find proof if AGW is causing more severe weather look no further then insurance claims. Hint: there is zero pattern. However they are crooks and cheat the system so that is why I fight them tooth and nail. I have a 90%+ close rate on getting peoples claims approved....trust me they will screw you......if you don't know the rules and regulations. The insurance companies are the scum of the earth.

You want to find this mythical "Illuminati" follow the money in the insurance game. AIG insures insurance companies and we know all about AIG from the banker bailout. I know that insurance is the largest legal ponzi scheme on the planet and they make Bernie Madhoff look innocent.

Very few states offer the climate change endorsement. Never get it, it is a scam 1000000% legal scam. The insurance companies are bigger then the banks. They are the banks. The world is a big pile of fake money and just wait till that entire house of cards crumbles......people won't even remember AGW when they can't get a glass of water because money is dead.

comment like this "Ha! Ha! Your side is getting shot down left and right."

Shows pretty clearly the childish nature of denial when their 'science' is an off the cuff comment by Warren Buffet on the performance of one of his companies, he says few hurricane payments have had to be payed out in years (in the U.S) so clearly he didn't have any exposure to the Philippines multiple hurricanes of the last few years, there where several that struck within week and the last was the most powerful ever recorded with over 6000 deaths associated with it.

Even in the U.S. hurricane Irene for instance (2011) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_I...

$16.6 billion billion dollars in damage and 49 dead

Hurricane Sandy (2012) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_s...

~$68 billion in damages the second most expensive in U.S. history and 148 directly related deaths and another 138 indirectly (286). I guess buffet didn't insure anyone in New York.

Perhaps sage would like to claim these didn't happen or that Al Gore faked them.

For me the real "ha ha" moment is this is having sage claim someone else is "not well informed" That's truly funny, if not ironic.

Once again you've read the headlines, not the letter - which points out that the business price model is for a 3-5 year horizon, as well as his continued interest in doing something about climate change.

Most likely because Buffet is a rational, level headed individual who can actually remember what the past was like in terms of weather. I'm sick of alarmists pretending there was no weird weather before the 1970's and then trying to convince everyone that any recent flood, drought or snowstorm is a result of man made "climate change".

@Climate"Realist".."Warren Buffet is not a scientist."

No, he's just someone who owns several insurance companies and hasn't seen an increase in insurance claims due to natural disasters. Again, your idiotic statement is irrelevant but the brainwashed alarmist sheep just give you thumbs up. "Ahhhhhduhhhh, ur rite, Warren Buffet ain't a sciuntest. Grate point....ahhhhhduhhhhhhh....."

Not sure who you think is getting shot down here, but to me it is deniers and the sort of weak rubbish you post here does nothing to change that view.

he hasn't got long left to live, climate change won't make a significant difference to any business he's going to be doing.

Warren Buffet is not a scientist.

Insurance companies prefer to hype the risk of global warming, as it allows them to raise their rates. This is particularly true of reinsurance companies, the companies that insure the insurers.

But support for the Keystone Pipeline? This is in conflict with his rail business. Saying that extreme weather hasn't changed? Wow!

Is Michael Mann going to tweet that he is anti-science?

For Christ's sake Sage he is one man representing one company that most likely doesn't insure the entire world. just another distracting irrelevant question

My realtor who just sold us our new house just mentioned that their Prudential office (maybe all) was bought by Berkshire Hathaway (Buffet's company). Buffet is a big leftist but obviously he doesn't let that get in his way of making money.


If Climate Change was such an imminent danger why would Warren Buffet not consider it in his computations? Is he sticking his head out?