> Does the description in the bible describe global warming?

Does the description in the bible describe global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
id say no ,but its important to remember the bible can be taken any way you want

If that is the belief you draw after reading the passage, then the passage has be interpreted to apply to global warming. But that is a belief based on your interpretation of the passage. It could equally refer to a nuclear bomb or a super volcano.

There is evidence of global warming, but how you interpret the passages from the Bible is not evidenced-based, but belief-based. In my opinion, the important thing is not is your belief "correct," it is a belief, not a fact. The important thing is how the belief influences your actions.

It is a fact that the earth is warming. It is a belief that global warming is foreshadowed in the Bible. How the belief influences your actions to alter the facts may partially define how you respond to solve the problem.

It was ,fire floods, pestilence famine death, war, not much warming and he would have said as he spoke of all the others. Oh yes and thinking themselves wise they will become as fools. that bit is sure true, and many will be deceived. Look at all those useless wind turbines.

The bible speaks of great turmoil but at the end of that turmoil he tells us what is in store for the the earth in Revelation 21.

Yeah, pretty sure you can find any passage in the bible to interpret any way you want.

Deuteronomy 28:43 predicted 9/11; "The stranger (unknown people) that is within thee shall get up above thee very high (hijacked airplanes); and thou (you) shalt come down very low." (everything leveled by the bombings)

Deuteronomy 28:43 predicted WWII; "The stranger (Hitler) that is within thee shall get up above thee very high (airplanes); and thou (Poland) shalt come down very low." (everything leveled by the bombings)

Deuteronomy 28:43 predicted the 2007 Superbowl; "The stranger (Eli Manning) that is within thee shall get up above thee very high (touchdown passes); and thou (New England) shalt come down very low." (lower in points)


ll.Peter.lll.12 Looking for and hasting vnto the comming of the day of God, wherein the heauens being on fire shalbe dissolued, and the Elements shall melt with feruent heat. 13 Neuerthelesse wee, according to his [promise=168], looke for new heauens, and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousnesse.

we're so sorry


168= chet, peh, peh

chet, peh, peh-(final) = to cover, protect = 888

Ten Sefirot of Nothingness

Their vision is like the "appearance of lightning"

Their limit has no end
