> What is the relationship between air pollution, ozone depletion, and climate disruption?

What is the relationship between air pollution, ozone depletion, and climate disruption?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Effects of increased ultraviolet radiation on biological systems had been investigated even before the ozone-depletion issue came to prominence. Effects such as alterations in tropospheric chemistry and potential global warming due to chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) did not present themselves, however, until depletion and the rise in CFC levels was thought to be possible. Moan (1991) offers a brief overview of such environmental ramifications of ozone depletion in "Ozone Holes and Biological Consequences."

Several possible Ultraviolet-B Effects on Terrestrial Plants have been investigated, including reduction in yield, alteration in species competition, decrease in photosynthetic activity, susceptibility to disease, and changes in plant structure and pigmentation. Studies carried out on loblolly pine indicate retardation of growth and photosynthesis resulting from enhanced levels of ultraviolet-B (UV-B). Similar effects, including yield reduction, were found in certain rice cultivars. In field study experiments, soybean harvests showed decreases under a simulated 25 percent ozone reduction. Existing microclimatic conditions, such as drought and mineral deficiency, can reduce sensitivity to UV-B, however.

Most field studies of Ultraviolet-B Effects on Aquatic Ecosystems have taken place in the Antarctic region, due to the presence of the ozone hole during the polar springtime, and have focused on the effects on phytoplankton, the primary producers at the base of the Antarctic food web. Phytoplankton are sensitive to increased UV-B doses, resulting in decreased mobility and orientation, and changes in photosynthetic and enzymatic reactions. These effects may lead to reduction in primary productivity, which indirectly affects higher trophic levels. Because humans and other consumers are dependent on higher species such as fish and shrimp, populations outside the local ecosystem are potentially at risk. Prokaryotic microorganisms responsible for nitrogen fixation are also susceptible to UV-B, which could result in changes in the biogeochemical cycling of nitrogen, potentially leading to detrimental effects on plant growth. Other possible indirect effects of higher UV-B stress are decreased planktonic production of dimethylsulfide (DMS), an important source of sulfur and cloud condensation nuclei to the atmosphere, and reduced uptake of CO2 by the oceans.

You answer is not accurate, but is close.

"What is the relationship between air pollution, ozone depletion, and climate disruption?"

Air pollution causes climate disruption, and climate disruption causes ozone depletion.


It is obvious that "jim z" is a denialist, does not know why there is little ozone protection over the equator, how "global warming" or "climate disruption" adds more water vapor to those trade winds, or how water vapor depletes ozone. But that is OK, Reality is a hard thing to understand.


Hey there.your question is right. i will try to give you a good answer.

i know it because i am a environmental engineering student.

in stratosphere(12 to 25 km area in atmosphere surrounding the earth)ozone is main gas.which protect earth from UV rays(290 to 320 frequency).it is a great umbrella of earth.

In 1985 found that the ozone layer is deplane at south pole.in 1987 scientist found the amount of ozone is decries from 50% to 40%. the main gas for ozone layer depletion is CFC(chlorofluorocarbon)

It destroy the ozone by photolytic process.

following is the chemical equation.




CFC gases are is used in refrigerator.now government do not permit to use CFCs.

You would think that someone that calls themselves Ozoneguy would know the first thing about O3. I have learned that it is a mistake to assume even basic knowledge of science from an alarmist. The easy answer is air pollution, ozone depletion, and "climate disruption" areexcuses used by political leftist to push their agenda and has very little to do with scientific reality.

"The chemical reactions responsible for stratospheric ozone depletion are extremely sensitive to temperature," Shindell, et. al. wrote in Nature. "Greenhouse gases warm the Earth's surface but cool the stratosphere radiatively, and therefore affect ozone depletion." (p. 589) By the decade 2010 to 2019, Shindell, et al. expect ozone loses in the Arctic to peak at two-thirds of the "ozone column," or roughly the same ozone loss observed in Antarctica during the early 1990s. "The severity and duration of the Antarctic ozone hole are also expected to increase because of greenhouse-gas-induced stratospheric cooling over the coming decades," Shindell, et al. assert. (p. 589)

During the middle 1990s, scientists began to detect ozone depletion in the Arctic after a decade of measuring a growing ozone "hole" over the Antarctic. By the year 2000, the ozone shield over the Arctic had thinned to about half its previous density during March and April. Ozone depletion over the Arctic reaches its height in late winter and early spring, as the Sun rises after the midwinter night. Solar radiation triggers reactions between ozone in the stratosphere and chemicals containing chlorine or bromine. These chemical reactions occur most quickly on the surface of ice particles in clouds, at temperatures less than minus 80 degrees C. (minus 107 degrees F.)

Space-based temperature measurements of the Earth's lower stratosphere, a layer of the atmosphere from about 17 kilometers to 22 kilometers (roughly 10 to 14 miles) above the surface, indicate record cold at that level as record surface warmth has been reported during the 1990s. Roy Spencer of NASA and John Christy of the University of Alabama at Huntsville and the Global Hydrology and Climate Center, obtained temperature measurements of layers within the entire atmosphere of the Earth from space, using microwave sensors aboard several polar-orbiting weather satellites. They found that, despite significant, short-livved warming following the eruptions of El Chichon in Mexico in 1982 and Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1991, the stratosphere as a whole has been cooling steadily during the past fifteen years.

Steve Hipskind, atmospheric and chemistry dynamics branch chief at NASA's Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California, has been quoted as saying that chlorine atoms use clouds as "a platform" to destroy stratospheric ozone. (Arctic Region, 4) Clouds form more frequently in the stratosphere at lower temperatures. Ice crystals, which form as part of polar stratospheric clouds, assist the chemical process by which ozone is destroyed. CFCs' appetite for ozone molecules rises notably below minus 80 degrees C. (minus 107 degrees F.), a level that was reached in the Arctic only rarely until the 1990s. During the winter of 1999-2000, temperatures in the stratosphere over the Arctic were recorded at 118 degrees F. or lower (the lowest on record), forming the necessary clouds to allow accelerated ozone depletion.

I personally believe global warming is bull. In the 80 s I remember the whole global cooling thing, they had it all over the news. they were saying the world was getting colder. Then one day they just didn't talk about it any more, now everyone is saying the world is getting warmer. They had scientist swearing the earth was gonna turn into an ice ball. Watch in afew.years people won't be talking about global warming any more.

The ozone gets depleted with air pollution, and when the ozone is depleted, there will be climate disruption.

Is my answer accurate? do you have a better answer? Try not to complicate your answers too much. :)