> How do I change 4/4/5 into a percent?

How do I change 4/4/5 into a percent?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Need help changing 4/4/5 mixed number into a percent?

EDIT: I should have begun by defining some terms in case you are unfamiliar with them. In a fraction the denominator is the number below the line = 5. The numerator is the number above the line = 4 (the second 4) and anything before the fraction is a whole number (the first 4).


you convert the whole number (4) to a fraction by multiplying by the denominator.

ie 4 x 5 = 20.

then add this to the numerator (which was also 4).

so you have (20 + 4) /5

= 24/5

So you can use a calculator to complete this division or just work it out (4.8) and multiplying by 100 tells you the number as a percentage = 480%.

Do you mean the mixed fraction 4 and 4/5?

That is the number 4.8

If you want that as a percent of one, it will be 480%

Is this new math? When I was in high school, you had to put () to clarify your expression. That looks more like a date than a formula. If you program computers the same rules apply.

It could be 4/4 = 1 and 1/5 = .20 or 20 %

Or it could be 4/.8 (4/5 = .8) which is 5 or 500%

It if go to your calculator that you have in the 'Accessories' and enter it just like you state, the answer will calculator will assume the first and your answer will be 20% or .20.

What you really need to do is read your book if you mean 4 4/5 it is 4.80


Need help changing 4/4/5 mixed number into a percent?