> Will this increase belief in global warming?

Will this increase belief in global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If there wasn't any media, people would not know the difference and it would be a non-issue. Most people worry about keeping a roof over their head and food on the table.

Whether it will increase belief in AGW or not is an interesting question considering the state of education of the average Joe. Now the man on the street who has been paying attention to predictions of increasing weather extremes and invested accordingly-let's just say in the snow removal business where the snowfall was the highest in the nation, for example-just made a nice chunk of change.

Is he going to be listening closely to what climate science has to say in the future? Probably. Will he really care that much about all the ideological ranting, conspiracy theories, alarmism, denial and etc?

Probably not. I'd say the man on the street-not necessarily the average punching a clock joe kind of guy-is looking for information that will help him advance his interests and improve his life and fortunes. Whomever gives him that information is going to earn his attention. People raving emotionally about Marxists and Polar Bears are not likely to make much of a difference to him other than as entertainment.

So my outlook is it could go either way depending on the individual.

No, no, no! You do not understand what global warming actually means. Global warming is the GRADUAL increase of the AVERAGE temperature of the globe. We're talking like less than 1 degrees over a century ok. Global warming does NOT mean that massive snowstorms won't happen, or that everywhere on the globe is going to be warmer at all times.

You have to understand the difference between weather and climate. That snow storm in the article, that is a weather event. It happened because the climate in that region of California allows it to happen. The range of different weather possibilities is the climate, in laymen terms. Global warming can lead to regional and global climate change. This means it changes the type of weather possibilities in certain areas. It can actually make some areas experience COLDER weather because it can disrupt the atmospheric and oceanic mechanisms that cause that area to be warm. I know it's confusing because it says global "warming", but the warming refers to the average temperature of the entire globe, and not to a specific area. If anything, record breaking snow storms, like your article there, supports the theory of global warming. For you to really understand this, it takes a lot of education in meteorology and atmospheric sciences. That's why we should leave it to the experts.

Understand, the REAL skeptic scientists on global warming and climate change would never use your snow storm example as an argument. There are some good arguments, that's not one of them. They also wouldn't argue that the average global temperature has been increasing, or that CO2 plays a role in that, or that the ice caps have been melting, or that sea level has been on the rise. The REAL skeptic's argument focuses on very specific things like the hysteria of the environmental movement and its influence on the popular science, or the feedback effects and their influence on the global climate, etc...

Arguments like the one you're making are a waste of time to anyone familiar with the science of global warming and climate change. Unfortunately, the same time-wasting arguments are being made in public media. It's understandable why you and others would think that they mean something, when they really don't. Politics and science do not mix well...

Ian: I can tell you don't even read or comprehend what other people write unless it conforms to your point of view. I explained it as simply as I could for you... Cold winters are not proof of AGW just as they are not proof that it doesn't exist. Cold winters are just cold winters dude. It's suppose to be cold, it's winter. It's suppose to snow there, it's a seasonal climate. Also snow doesn't = colder temperature contrary to ignorant thought. When it is snowing, it actually warms the lower atmosphere. That's why it will be slightly colder when it's clear skys than when it actually starts to snow. Snow is just frozen precipitation bud. Precipitation is the result of evaporation. Evaporation is the result of (guess what) HEAT. So all snow starts off as evaporated water just like rain storms. Snow storms just happen to be in regions where the temperature is below 32 F.

We will not see a change now till March . We are in the winter in this part of the world .Come Summer we can all say they were right once again . We are so lucky to have people to have spent so much time dedicating their time to such a great field of work and use so much of our tax dollars to be able to tell us when it is summer once again .


As long as you only read proclamations from the IPCC like this the fear of AGW and Climate change will only increase.

Notice the typhoon is due to Climate Change, according to the IPCC. But good weather is caused by . . . .the weather. All that cold stuff is due to weather, but Super Hurricane Sandy is caused by Global Warming according to Al Gore.

The average Joe only gets indoctrinated by the mainstream news media and that is by design. This formula for keeping people stupid was laid out many years ago and refined by Goebbels, Hitler's Minister of Propaganda.

Joseph Goebbel,

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Just look at this site and see how many suckers there are. They are Goebbels' disciples. Keep up the good work greenies, deny the facts and prove that Goebbels was a genius.

No 91 million are still unemployed are looking ,stopped for

a job . The others are retiring and giving up looking for

jobs .

Unemployment is more important . green jobs dont cut it ,

Seems that AGW deniers have trouble distinguishing between weather and climate.

At least when it's cold.

Interesting that they never make that mistake when it's hot.

Wonder why that is?

OH, and no, it won't make any difference.

Those who are worried about global warming are aware that a snowstorm doesn't lead to global cooling,

any more than a heat wave means that global warming is going ballistic.


linlyons is right. Weather isn't climate until an alarmist tells you it's climate.


Cold winters now actually prove AGW is real. As do warm winters... and cold summers...and hot summers.

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It looks as though Mother nature has her own views on the subject