> Why do climate change deniers say "It was cold today/this week/this year, so global warming is false", But?

Why do climate change deniers say "It was cold today/this week/this year, so global warming is false", But?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
But what?

What is a climate change denier? I for one know that climates always changed and always will. It is only ignorant bozos that think it didn't until humans came along.

I am sure if you counted the number of times cold was blamed on warming you would find nearly 100 percent from alarmists because you have to be pretty uneducated to believe something like that. I'm also sure if you did a poll of the media and YA, you would find that alarmists blame weather on human emissions of CO2 far more than skeptics using cold days as evidence against AGW.

They are just trying to counter the media and politicians blaming every event on climate change.

You have a valid point, but when we are told by the likes of Al Gore that it is getting warmer then we see RECORD cold temperatures, then we have a right to say, "Don't pee on me and say it is raining."

They don't understand the difference between climate and weather. Basic ignorance

I don't say that. actually I do say that. Many times when a warmer pretends that a weather event is caused by global warming or is proof of global warming, I say WHY this is incorrect and ask if the cold winter in my area means AGW is false.

Given the number of times I have to remind the warmers that weather is NOT climate, I could ask the very same question of why you warmers claim it was warm this year, therefore catastrophic warming is true.

You want evidence? Warmers are blaming the current fires in Cali on the droughts (which is part of the problem), which they are blaming on human-caused climate change. Problem is that droughts are weather events. The further problem is that there has been no evidence of an increase in droughts in the US or the world.

So, my suggestion is that the warmers get the plank out of their own eyes so that they can see better to help their neighbor get the fleck out of his eye.

Global warming is a average climate and a the situation we live with. Of course, you will feel cold at winter undoudtbely.

They are more stupid and bigger liars than you can probably imagine.

The man made global warming hoax is to get control of the people and fulfill the UN world dictatorship goal.

only the clueless, gullible, weak minded liberal, believes in man made global warming

Weather is only weather until an alarmist tells you it's climate. Now any abnormal weather event (hot, cold, rain, no rain, snow, no snow, tornado) is due to "climate change".

You lost this a long time ago ,get over it ,your religion is dead , First off , yes we have climate change ,summer ,winter ,

Only some do.

We all need to remember that the existence of one or two idiots on the other side does not mean that the other side is wrong.

Intellectual laziness, for one thing. "This idea supports my point, so it must be important. That roughly equivalent idea doesn't support my point, so it's obviously unimportant" is... easy thinking, if you're just mining for argument fodder and don't care about consistency.

But, they ignore every heat wave?

According to denialists, if it is hot, it is weather, if it is cold, it is climate.

But what matters is long term trend of the average.


No matter what morons like Ian say.

Interesting that they never point out hot weather to prove AGW.

Basically they are ignorant of what AGW is

Look around you.

This planet slowly gets destroyed..

Just because of greed...