> Global warmingists struggle to explain?

Global warmingists struggle to explain?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
That's an important article you linked to. It now shows that even Reuters is linked to the global conspiracy to cast doubt on climate change funded by the corporate right (or religious right take your pick).

RE: Your Additional Details

The extensive snow in the Northern Hemisphere is causing flooding in Australia. I read in a blog that they forgot to cover up a hole dug by Bugs Bunny (from an un-aired episode). Apparently, on his first try to dig to China and he ends up in Australia where he beats up a kangaroo playing the bagpipes.


Edit@climate realist: "What warming slowdown?"

This one? http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/rss/fro...

Oh wait, that's using your cherry-picked dates with a different data set. Let's try your data set with different dates.

This one? http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/gistemp...


Edit2@climate realist: I see now you are using GISTEMP-dts. Do you know the difference between that and LOTI?

When you Google it and figure it out you can thank me for correcting your graph here: http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/gistemp...


Edit@daveH: I actually did my Edit2 before I read your answer. It's good to know that you understand the difference between dts and LOTI. I don't think climate realist should ever be allowed to accuse anyone else of cherry picking.

"A rapid rise in global temperatures in the 1980s and 1990s - when clean air laws in developed nations cut pollution and made sunshine stronger at the earth's surface - made for a compelling argument that human emissions were to blame."

Now China and India are burning vast amounts of coal without the catalytic converters and filtration systems mandated in the West, pollution is on the increase and sunshine is blocked from a large part of the Earth's surface, and the temperature has stabilized for the last 15 years. That is not hard to explain, but it is hard for the Warmists to stomach that more soot and smog will cure AGW, and that Global Warming was caused by environmentalists and the Clean Air movement!

If warming is such a bad thing, and I don't think it is, then the answer is to burn coal in as dirty a way as possible. Lung cancer and acid rain is a small price to pay for scaring off the bogey-man of global warming, surely? Not!

Speaking for those of us who are still sane I will vote for clean air and a pleasantly warming world.

In spite of still being warmer here in Australia, the drought has ended, the rains came, and our dams are full, while harmless, maligned CO2 is still on the rise, by 40% since 2000, and temperatures stay stubbornly stuck as a mere 0.6 degrees warmer.

This doesn't disprove Global Warming, not yet, but it does disprove the IPCC projections: none of them were for zero warming, and it makes idiots of the Apocalyptic Prophets of the mythical "Tipping Point".

Edit Climate Realist.

Your last woodfortrees link got me curious. The link is repeated here.


I couldn't figure out why I was seeing a trend 2002 onwards that was opposite to what I was expecting. Then I noticed that your chart uses the Gisstemp dTs data. Gisstemp dTs is 'land only' data.

When I switched the data used from Gisstemp dTs to a Global mean anomaly (Gisstemp LOTI) I got a quite different result.


Re: "Ahem. The cooling trend from 1998 to 2002 was due to the recovery from the 1998 el Nino. Since then, the recovery from the 1998 el Nino was over and warming resumed."

That my friend, is a load of bollocks.

The warming continues at a slightly slower rate, however, some of the heat has been absorbed by the oceans, possibly due to cyclic phenomena like La Ni?a. Furthermore, warming will accelerate due to the disappearance of ice, which exposes darker surfaces, absorbing more heat.

What is your prediction for global temperatures over the next 20 years?

If they start to rise again, will you accept AGW?

It's very easy to sit back with an opinion on something, an opinion you didn't reach on the basis of a thorough understanding or a literature review of the thousands of scientific papers published each year, wait until some piece of data you didn't predict or model seems to lend weight to your opinion, and then turn around and smugly say 'look, I was right' on the basis of no research, no science, and no prediction.

Some might even call that laughable.

What warming slowdown?


What struggle to explain anything? Perhaps realists have jumped the gun by talking about the yellow ball in the sky and ENSO, before checking the data. Contrary to the denialist straw man argument, sceintists have been looking at things like the Sun, and it has not been causing the warming.


Mister Zedd

That's how the scientific method works.

Ottawa Maxx

What cherry picked dates. 1983 was thirty years ago and 2012 is the most recent year for which we have complete data. OK, 1998 was cherry picked, but don't blame me. It is your denialist friends who picked it. And in your links, 2002 wasn't cherry picked. But, now that you have brought 2002 up


It looks like I have to explain the speed up in global warming.

Ahem. The cooling trend from 1998 to 2002 was due to the recovery from the 1998 el Nino. Since then, the recovery from the 1998 el Nino was over and warming resumed.


I could use a link. I tried a google search and all I was able to find was


If this question is closed before you can respond, Put the link in your response to my question.


Not sure what planet you're on but Australia just had it's hottest summer on record.

The hottest summer on record. The hottest January on record. The hottest day on record for Australia as a whole. Bushfires in every state and territory. Daily rainfall records and major flooding. Over a period of 90 days, these were some of the 123 extreme weather records broken during Australia's "angry summer".

Wow, you have no idea.

The part of Australia I live in recently came out of a 10 year drought, other areas are still in drought.

It's OK though, I'm sure I'm much older than you. You can deal with the problems long after I've gone.

There is no question in your question.

From my experience with North Dakotans and Minnesotans, they are genuinely nice people and would have little interest in violence against our former vice-President. Where are you from? You sound more like someone that has anger issues.

Personally, trying to explain the "slowdown" isn't high on my list--when this past decade has been the hottest decade on record globally, it's a little hard to get worked up by a "slowdown," real or imaginary. Similarly it's about 20 degrees cooler at my house this week than it was two weeks ago--should we explain the "slowdown" in the annual cycle? Does this mean that summer really isn't coming after all? Global warming is a long term trend in global temperature with a lot of high frequency noise riding on top of it. In the short term the noise can dominate the trend, that doesn't mean that it's any less of a problem.

EDIT for your ADDITIONAL DETAILS: Could you please give a reference for your statement:

"It wasn't long ago that warmingists were predicting a permanent drought for Australia, ..."

From what I've seen, it's very easy for "skeptics" to make statements like that, and almost impossible for them to come up with any solid evidence to back it up. Links to denial blog headlines are worthless--it should at least be a direct quote from a scientist, and reference to an actual paper would be even better.

If you don't respond, I'll just assume it's one more denier lie.

Well understand that AGW or 'Warmonism' is a Religion or Pathological Science if you prefer. Note the quote:

"Scientists are now intent on figuring out the causes and determining whether the respite will be brief or a more lasting phenomenon."

Notice the question is "Will the respite be brief or lasting" NOT "Is AGW an actuate theory based on non consistent evidence?"

Warmons themselves will not 'struggle' to believe. That's the nature of Religion or Pathological Science, the credo is just in the believers DNA... which in this case is that humans are causing untold damage & only Socialist Government can save us.

But just as the medieval Church's inability to stop the Black Death undermined it's political power, the failure of Warmonism to predict this 'brief respite' has been a real thorn in their fundraising & taxation schemes.

The 'struggle' is now to convert skeptics in the lack of collaborating evidence. Namely all those sincere folk who just want to do the right thing.

But be assured nothing will really change, the new wave of 'Settled Science' articles is already flooding the press. 'Scientists' may wondering why Gaia's judgment has spared us for now... but rest assured it's coming.... so tax that carbon Energy for Obama.

Ultimately Socialism & Capitalism are incompatible memes - the drive of Politicians to become Public Masters instead of Public Servants is in THEIR DNA.

Environmentalism is a naturally a Social effort, hence will always be a natural focal point for Socialist chicanery.

It seems they are always trying to find an explanation for why the climate isn't behaving as they predicted. It would never occur to these ignoramuses that they were simply wrong. What they will do is fund hundreds of millions of dollars looking for the best excuses and the alarmists here will sip their Koolaid and swoon and continue to compare anyone with any skepticism with holocaust deniers.

I noticed the author pathetically still tried to link Super Storm Sandy and droughts in Australia with our CO2 emissions. That is what I expect from Reuters. They are enablers of the Koolaid drinkers while they pretend to unbiased.

As someone that comes from South Dakota, North Dakotans and Minnesotans are extremely good people. That said, I can tell you that Mr. Gore wouldn't want to go on a hunting trip up there unless he had several armed guards and even then he might want to reconsider.

In the meantime Antarctic temperatures are causing record rates of ice melting.

Gobal warming is just that: Global. Small, regional changes mean little except as how they influence the whole.

And the 'whole' is that the average global temperature continues to climb. Maybe not at the rate expected, but until we stop warming there is still risk.

the warming slowdown... heh....

Thus proving my predictive abilities are better than theirs...

For real excitement Al Gore could plan a trip to North Dakota or even Minneapolis, where people would probably mob-up and beat him...


Don't worry global warming is a fact whether you like it or not!

since you need to learn more, go here, http://ncse.com/climate

but i get the impression that you're one of those stubborn conservatives who don't like learning