> Does NASA and NOAA admit to a pause?

Does NASA and NOAA admit to a pause?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Lol... half the alarmist on Y/A claim that there is no pause on one post and then on the next post can tell you what's causing it.

1. There is NO global warming pause, you stupid denier.

2. The pause is from the missing heat hiding in the deep ocean where unfortunately we can't measure it, you stupid denier.

3. The pause is due to Chinese aerosols, you stupid denier.

4. The pause is due to increased volcanic activity, you stupid denier.

5. The pause is due to decreased solar activity, you stupid denier.

6. The pause is due to decreased stratospheric water vapour, you stupid denier.

7. After we adjust past temps downward and current temps upwards it turns out that there was no global warming pause at all just like we said all along, you stupid denier.

They kind of do. Why are they out looking for the missing heat? Why are they moving the goal posts and saying only the surface temperature is cooling? James Hansen even admitted it just before he retired and went in to full time communist activism.


Among themselves they all know it is cooling and freely admit to it, when they think they are in private.

So who really cares? They are just a propaganda machine, paid for by the taxpayers.

They can't because there has been no pause in global warming, although the was a pause in surface temps.

All ten of the top ten warmest years globally have been within the last 15 years, How is it you deniers can't understand this

Plus just released today, 2013 tied as the fourth warmest global year on record, SO what does that make of another BS denier claim that GW ended in 2012

Wow ian...calling deniers stupid, you must have insider information But you are right

It's not the sun

It's not volcanic activity

It's not stratospheric water vapor

I think 2 of these are probably arguments you have used

Neither NASA nor the N.O.A.A. has anything to do with Disaster solutions or Turning off Global Warming. Mike

I think C is pretty close to correct except I haven't heard it ended in 2012. I have heard it ended in 1998 and the "pause" happened in the last 15 years. They won't admit it because it would jeopardize funding and one cardinal rule of bureaucracies is don't jeopardize your meal ticket. I think the most they will do is dance around the truth but they will put in caveats like it is still warm or it is warming in the ocean. Alarmists will never admit they were wrong. That would jeopardize their illusion of their own omniscience.

no, and I'm sure you saw their own quote:

"The year 2013 ties with 2003 as the fourth warmest year globally since records began in 1880"

so.. what pause?

NASA and NOAA have lost all credibility over their handling of the global temperature record.

They need to be defunded or they need a major house-cleaning.

NOAA says 2013 was hottest year ever . that is bull

Cold winter , Cold Spring turned off heater in April ,

Mild Summer , mild Fall to cold winter .

Are all their tempature sensors on the Equator ?
