> Why did BHO let us get bent over by China on climate change .We pay now they got 16 years to do their share like any of

Why did BHO let us get bent over by China on climate change .We pay now they got 16 years to do their share like any of

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
He had to get an agreement otherwise he would be seen as a failure, he failed dismally but with the media to back him up made it look like a success.

Now he has an excuse to push forward climate change policies, and can go to Lima and later on Paris even though what was agreed is farcical.

China leaders must be rolling on the floor laughing.

The USA dragged its feet because China was not in the game. Now they are. It will take 16 years for the USA to even get their act together. My bet is China will get there before the USA. They do not have the GOP and many of their leaders are smarter in sciences.

Blame the goobers who voted for him. I was not one of the goobers.

China will not honor the agreement, but will record it as one of the best hoodwinks in their history.

Let China be the ones who get blackmailed by ISIS for their oil.