> A satirical solution to global warming?

A satirical solution to global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Attach a tube on the front and back end of each cow to absorb their emitted methane.

Methane is a worse climate killer than co2 and industrial livestock farming contributes heavily to global warming.

The absorbed methane could be used as a climate friendly regenerative energy source, so coal would be obsolete. Wow... so along the way you've also solved our energy problem, congratulations ;)

Now the only thing you need is a lot of tubes, tape and some air tight canisters.

Global warming is the result of releasing stored fossil fuel in to the atmosphere by burning to produce CO2.

The only solution is to put back the amount of fossil fuel, man has pumped out and burned since the dawn of automobile which is about 200 year life span.

Meaning we'd have to grow the forest the size of the planet and cut it down and liquify the dead organic material and pump it back in every oil field we pumped it out.

I think that the world needs to go back 100 years and stay that way! no huge buildings not millions of cars. Horse and carriage, farming, fires to keep warm, bartering with neighbors for things that are needed. That is where the world needs to go back to! Not to mention start planting more trees and taking less down.

Paint your roof white.

If everybody in the world paints the roof of their house white you could raise the albedo of the earth. Reflecting more incoming radiation (sunlight) into space, and cooling it down.

Problem solved :D

Here's an example I'm given to look at:

Anesthetize all adults for a 12 hour period during daylight hours to curtail any activities which wil contribute to CO2emissions.

I want something like this, but I'm just so bad at these things!

I'm thinking something along the lines of.. forbidding all car use and giving each family a horse to ride to their destinations? I don't know. Can somebody help me here think of a ridiculous (but still viable) solution to global warming?