> When has the climate NOT changed?

When has the climate NOT changed?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Some are worried about so called 'climate change' but I would argue it's nothing new. What do you think?


The last 15 years.

Hmm I think during the Ice ages climate didn't change much.

Why are these idiots saying it has never changed this fast before, maximum change in this century has been 1 degree C, how is that fast, unless your counting the drop this winter and spring, but that's weather.

it's always changed, but not this fast. That's the problem, along with 7 billion people.

MAXX.. try looking at the big picture, like the last 100,000 years(ice ages etc). In the last 5000, it's been stable enough for agriculture civilization. In the few regional places were large climate swings have happened there was local collapse of the economy. Now think worldwide.

the 1920-40 is not a large change compared to the predicted 2-3C worldwide (higher in polar regions), and certainly not large compared to the last ice age. Again.. think outside your limited denier mind.

Alarmist believe that before 1970 the weather was constantly beautiful, that rainbows made of skittles filled the sky and that unicorns roamed the plains. If a thunderstorm happens in May they now try to blame it on "Climate Change".

Skeptics know that the climate has always and will always be changing.

Global warming has resulted in accelerated climate change not consistent with natural cycles, to ignore this is culpable stupidity.

Regardless there are two issues with global warming aside from people who refuse to see the 50 foot letters because it makes them uncomfortable.

The first issue is that no one, neither government, nor billionaire, nor business (except Honda anyway), is prepared to do anything to address primary source of the problem: fossil fuel, despite the wealth potential for long term investment.

The second problem is no one is preparing for the inevitable sea level rise, as the floating ice sheets at both poles melt, which may happen this decade. It only needs another 2 degree sea temp rise.

There have always been periods of warming and cooling that appear naturally however as Bacc mentions it has never happened in modern times before this fast.

97% of all climatologists agree that the current acceleration of GW is man made...most of the world's climate organizations agree ...and most of the world's science organizations agree.

The denier arguments are nothing more than something to scrape off the bottom of your shoe

To my knowledge, there has not been a denier to post a link that shows any bit of real climate science to support their lame cause

I doubt that there has ever been a time when climate hasn't changed and I doubt even more that there is any evidence of a time when climate didn't change. Certainly not in the instrumental record. And I don't think that there is any such evidence in proxy records.

It takes a while for changes to happen.You just live in a place where there is enough of trees to absorb carbon dioxide . Or maybe you are too young to notice a difference. Weather seasons are determined in a thirty year period. Wait a while.

All you're doing with this tiresome pseudo-question is changing the subject and ignoring the context of modern CO2 increases.

It's as mindless as saying "pre-human forest fires were caused by lightning strikes or lava flows, therefore it's no big deal that human arsonists, smokers or campers are causing forest fires today."

Context means everything!

I think the climate has never stayed the same.


Some are worried about so called 'climate change' but I would argue it's nothing new. What do you think?


It never changed as rapidly as now and has never changed without CO2 causing much of the change, other than major volcanic or astronomic events that caused abrupt climate change.

What you would argue is meaningless. Your beliefs are wrong and you are not important.

Readers: Maxx thinks that the earth is 6,500 years old. He believes the whole earth is new. If you believe what he does then you do not believe in science at all.

I think that's an incredibly lame argument.

EDIT: You said "pegminer- You never actually answer all you do is whine"

But let's go back and see your sub-question:

"What do you think?"

and I said:

"I think that's an incredibly lame argument."

Sounds like I did answer your question after all. It's funny you don't even know what questions you ask.

Climate science stole the name so they could promote their stupid agenda!
