> Where is the global warming in the UK?

Where is the global warming in the UK?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Hmm... those pictures are amazing. Those pictures of England look more like January than May. Hey -- maybe it's because CO2 levels just hit 400ppm -- and you know how high CO2 levels can cause extreme heat or extreme cold or cause Godzilla to attack New York or cause a storm of asteroids or alien invasions.

Oh well, at least the plants are happy.


Gary F - I'd like to see a link that backs that up if you don't mind. I want to know more about this "relationship that has been known for 100 years."


Only a green-washed alarmist would have the gaul, after all these years of us being told it was getting warmer and that snow would be a thing of the past, to turn and say look it's snowing, there's your results of global warming.

It's a toss up whether they're just pathetic or quite literally insane.

Yes, that's it, that's exactly global warming. With global warming the ocean thermohaline currents are affected by the lower salinity and warmer temperatures such that the Gulf stream weakens leaving the UK colder than it would traditionally be. It's one of the few negative feedback cycles that resists the changes, unfortunately we've been finding more positive feedback mechanisms then negative.

It is in melting arctic ice and the jet stream - a relationship that has been known for 100 years.

Ain't it pitiful that Deniers are so scary-stupid?


Maxx --

Hildebrandsson, H.H. 1914. Quelques recherches sur les centres d'action de l'atmosphere. Kungl Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar 51- 3-16.

Knock yourself out.


Maxx --

Just kidding. You can find it referenced here:

Dagmar Budikova, 2009. Role of Arctic sea ice in global atmospheric circulation: A review. Global and Planetary Change Vol 68, pp 149–163. doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2009.04.001

While we're on the subject of links:

Care to provide a link from an authoritative investigation (such as a Congressional hearing or court record) that not only confirms climate data were altered, but tells us exactly which data those would be?

I wish I could get rich by stating the ski is falling.

Look out for moon beams. Sucker.

Actually, the cold weather in northern Europe was predicted:


Climate science is more complicated than you and the Daily Mail would like it to be. That's why we leave science to scientists and not journalists.

And we should believe you because?

You're a moron learn to live with it


Is it Christmas time in the UK?

Where is all this AGW? Are the Koch Bros. to blame for this too? Is Gore goona give back his carbon credits? Did all those taxes Julia Gillian squeeze out of the Aussies really work? I know, it is all Bush's fault. Ha! Ha! Ain't it great when the greenie lies catch up to them? And Dork, you may answer also.