> How can climate change effect in one location and have an impact on people and places far away?

How can climate change effect in one location and have an impact on people and places far away?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

- Climate Change: Radioactive fallout becomes common in Japan. http://nuclear-news.net/2013/05/18/conce...

Far Away Affect: The food sent to the USA from Japan looks fine, but is radioactive. http://nuclear-news.net/2013/05/18/conce...

Americans are killed as a result. http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/05/14/...

- Climate Change: Warming concentrated in Greenland. http://www.ssmi.com/data/msu/graphics/tl...

Mapping Tool http://www.ssmi.com/msu/msu_data_monthly...

Local Effect: Agriculture blossoms in Greenland. http://www.independent.co.uk/environment...

Far Away Effect: Greenland no longer needs to import so many agricultural products. Less export opportunities for farmers.

- Climate Change: Arctic Sea Ice retreats. http://arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/...

Local Effect: Increased Arctic Ocean shipping traffic. http://newsroom.ucla.edu/portal/ucla/new...

Far Away Effect: The costs of shipping goods around the globe decreases. This makes imports cheaper.

- Climate Change: Oklahoma has a drought. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dust_Bowl

Local Effect: People start dying of malnutrition [1] and dust pneumonia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dust_pneumo...

Far Away Effect: California receives 200 thousand refugees from the drought stricken area. [2]

- Climate Change: Warming causes glaciers in Canada and Greenland start to melt. [3]

Far Away Effect: Sea is rising at a rate of 1 foot per century. [4]

Edit @Andrew:

The Arctic sea ice has only been monitored since 1979. However, if your theory is that Europe should cool as the sea ice melts in the Arctic (and some of it did during that time), then looking at a warming map of Europe during that same period should logically show cooling. [5] Europe has warmed a little since 1979. No part of Europe fails to show some warming since 1979. Earth got warm during the 9th century, [6] but that did not chill Europe.

The ice caps melting cold water is changing the water and air streams that bring the warmth from the South. Consequently Europe is becoming colder as it loses the benefits of these. Manchester is on the same latitude as Moscow. Put your money in furry hats.

Read "Save the Planet by Voting." it explain this connection

because of winds

if power plants in for example the US release nitrogen oxides, sulfuric oxide (coal burning) and other gases, winds can carry them across national borders