> Why is it important to recycle?

Why is it important to recycle?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Recycling is Important

Recycling is one of the best ways for you to have a positive impact on the world in which we live. Recycling is important to both the natural environment and us. We must act fast as the amount of waste we create is increasing all the time.

The amount of rubbish we create is constantly increasing because:

Increasing wealth means that people are buying more products and ultimately creating more waste.

Increasing population means that there are more people on the planet to create waste.

New packaging and technological products are being developed, much of these products contain materials that are not biodegradable.

New lifestyle changes, such as eating fast food, means that we create additional waste that isn’t biodegradable.

Environmental Importance

Recycling is very important as waste has a huge negative impact on the natural environment.

Harmful chemicals and greenhouse gasses are released from rubbish in landfill sites. Recycling helps to reduce the pollution caused by waste.

Habitat destruction and global warming are some the affects caused by deforestation. Recycling reduces the need for raw materials so that the rainforests can be preserved.

Huge amounts of energy are used when making products from raw materials. Recycling requires much less energy and therefore helps to preserve natural resources.

Importance To People

Recycling is essential to cities around the world and to the people living in them.

No space for waste. Our landfill sites are filling up fast, by 2010, almost all landfills in the UK will be full.

Reduce financial expenditure in the economy. Making products from raw materials costs much more than if they were made from recycled products.

Preserve natural resources for future generations. Recycling reduces the need for raw materials; it also uses less energy, therefore preserving natural resources for the future.

A couple of reasons.

To reduce the amount of waste going into landfills, incinerators, or less appropriate methods of disposal

To reduce the use of raw resources (especially for things like metals)

To reduce the use of energy to process raw resources (again, especially for metals)

Actually, I think recycling is... less urgent for paper, plastic, and possibly glass. Paper and plastic tend to yield... lower-quality products when recycled, and at least for paper the raw source is renewable. Glass is heavy and breakable, and again I think you tend to get lower-quality end products. I suspect recycling them is no worse than throwing them in the trash, but it's not a *whole* lot better, it doesn't make sense to go through a *lot* of effort to recycle them. But for metal, every piece of metal you recycle is that much ore that doesn't need to be mined and processed.

Recycling helps the earth. To ignore recycling is to ignore the earth and the knock on affect mankinds future.

Because it gets you involved in the scam. Every time you take your garbage out, it makes you feel guilty that you are alive and destroying the earth. The more guilty you feel the easier it is to control you.

Joseph Goebbels,

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

So you can see that it not only directs a scam at you, it makes you a willing participant of that scam.

Because it makes religious environmentalists feel better.

Recycling big ticket items like metals is useful as it requires less use of raw materials. This is why many landfills do this automatically.

The obvious answer is to conserve earths resources and protect the enviroment

To reduce waste. Waste ends up in unwanted places ie.. the ocean, rivers, etc. Bad for the environment.

There is a good discussion in


It creates a good result in the earth.

It makes you feel better, like your actually making a difference,

Makes sense..