> Is global warming real?

Is global warming real?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Global warming means different things to different people.

Has it got warmer in the last 100 years or so? Yes. Just look at the temperature data.

Has humanity caused this... Yes, some of it, but how much?.. some is natural, some is caused by us... determining how much is which is very difficult.

Will this mean the end of humanity? No. The human population has previously flourished in similar warmer times. There is no reason to think that this time it will be bad.

Will millions die from rising sea levels ? No. I at least, can outrun a tide coming in at 2mm per year. Will people have to move? Yes. They are going to have to move anyway. Even without any human caused increase in sea level rise, there is a current background rise rate of about 1.2mm per year. Low lying areas will become inundated, AGW (if significant) only brings the time forward a little.

Yes, Global Warming is real, but not catastrophic for humanity.

Of course global warming is not real. There's no evidence for it whatsoever. Man is a puny, harmless, insignificant species that's never so much as harmed a hair on the back of a fly.

But Noah's Ark has been found on Mt. Ararat, which the Bible's authors considered the world's highest mountain. THAT is sound science, my friend!

Critical thinking is vital to the world's future.

Global warming is a misleading term. Climate change is better. Check out the latest report below:

Yes global warming is real Its all a slow process of the earth getting over populated and destroyed. Every one is destroying the planet causing a hole in the ozone layer which allows radiation to move in and melt our POLAR ice caps

Look more television who explains about it. Discovery channel often mentions. Observe those floods and disturbed seasons. So don't you think global warming not real.

No - it is a myth perpetuated by grubby little people who wish to make money off the back of impressionable naive gullible brain dead - must follow the pack morons. The earth is not warming up.


and this book explains why some people are too stubborn to understand; The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science- and Reality

The earth's temperature has been rising since 1650. This has been about 1 degree C. This is a natural cycle. As far as man contributing to this warming (AGW) there is no scientific evidence as to that fact.

no its fake.... of course its real but its just Earth going through one of its cycles and there is no stopping it. So really its not that big of a deal because its not going to affect us until a few generations go by so in other words 500-1000 years possibly.