> Do you think Prince Charles will take Lord Monckton up on his challenge?

Do you think Prince Charles will take Lord Monckton up on his challenge?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Now we'll see who the headless chicken is.

I cringe (I have cringed a lot today) when I read about royals.

Lord versus Prince.

Seems like a music contest

There is a new song by Lorde that I like, and she sings:

And we'll never be royals (royals).

It don't run in our blood,

That kind of luxe just ain't for us.

We crave a different kind of buzz.

And well Prince has his purple rain

I remember in the Army, we had a mock fight against brits in Berlin and my first sergeant said "The Queen can suck my.....," Well, it tended to make the British soldiers behave in ways that made it pretty simple to defeat them. I kind of like the British queen anyway so it is nothing personal against royals but I digress.

I would put my money on the Lord. I am cringing again using that word to describe someone.

Does the "Lord" know the consequences for speaking out against the royal family? Does his "lordship" out rank the royal family now?

Jungle Jim, did you notice that Tom never takes his hand off his gun while "Lord" Monckton is wearing his? A Freudian slip, perhaps?


Monckton has moved on & does not have the time - not satisfied with being a pretend lord , having a pretend Nobel Prize , pretending to be Thatchers scientific adviser and being a self appointed pretend "gifted mathematician" , he is now a pretend forensic scientist (who dresses like a clown)

I give you - Sherlock Monckton

Well at an IPCC meeting, he took the microphone and announced that temperatures have not increased in 16 years, and was said to have committed fraud as a result. He is now on a terrorist list of some sort, so he won't be allowed near the Crown Prince/Part-time King.

That wouldn't be fair, because Monckton would wipe the floor with Charles and his entourage of advisers.

No Charles should be given the option of choosing weapons.

Monckton also found a cure for graves disease, malaria and many others.

Why does fake lord Monckton want to debate Prince Charles and Al Gore? I think we both know. He is too chicken to debate a scientist.

Big Ears vs The Gollum. THat's a fight I'd like to see

That would be the same Lord Monckton who claimed to have cured cancer, said he was Chief Scientific Advisor to Margaret Thatcher, has no scientific qualifications at all, stated that all people with HIV and AIDS should be incarcerated for life, claimed to be a member of the House of Lords and who flounders like a fish out of water whenever presented with real science.

It would also be the same Lord Monckton who I was led to believe would receive three colleagues and myself at his guest house in Scotland and be happy to discuss with us the issue of climate change. That was until it was duly pointed out that we were climate scientists whereupon His Lordship suddenly became otherwise engaged. Still, we were made extremely welcome and I would happily recommend his accommodation to anyone staying in that part of Scotland, but don’t expect to discuss climate change with the Dear Lord unless you’re someone he can easily fool.

As for Prince Charles taking up Lord Monckton’s challenge (which probably isn’t genuine anyway), I extremely much doubt that HRH will entertain such an idea, no serious person ever has. In the UK Lord Monckton is generally regarded as a racist laughing-stock, worthy of all the contempt that is heaped upon him. Not even the moderate sceptics reference Lord Monckton, they can see through his charade with ease.

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If Lord Monckton and Prince Charles were ever to debate the issue of climate change I doubt that Charles would need any assistance. Whilst he’s not an expert on the subject he clearly knows far more about it than Monckton does. All that Monckton ever does is to ambush people with no knowledge of climate change, confuse them with all manner of weird and wonderful claims then pronounce himself the winner of the debate.

I have always stated that I am willing to debate the issue of climate change. I believe that on at least two occasions I have invited you to enter into a debate although I don’t believe you responded. In fact, despite numerous invites to sceptics to engage in a debate, not one of them has taken up my offer.

If Price Charles wanted me to assist him – he wouldn’t, but if he did – then I would happily do so. Similarly, again I invite you to engage in a public debate on the subject of climate change.

Absolutely not. Charles would get royally spanked by Monckton in such a debate.


Now we'll see who the headless chicken is.

For once, Trevor minces no words. In other words, instead of being generally correct and broad, this time Trevor's answer is concise and spot-on.

Because this "question" is utterly fake, like nearly of all Sagebrush's, expect him to pay no regard to the substance of Trevor's answer in his predictably lazy pre-fab rejection of it.

Dunno, but, as I understand it, Monckton is pretty much ahead of the curve on the climate issue. And, against the silly AGW dogma..which is not based on any legitimate science.

no. The prince has no reason to lower himself to that level- probably for the same reason you don't try to debate your cat. (or maybe you do?)

No he wont debate because he knows he would lose.

If so I think it would be billed "Prince vs Lunatic"