> Climate change is Dr Phil Jones getting worried?

Climate change is Dr Phil Jones getting worried?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Not to worry Kano, give James Hansen a little time to "adjust" the temperature record and warming will be back. If the data doesn't fit the theory, change the data.

Since libs have such short memories, they will jump on the new and improved data as the gospel truth. Warming will return any day now.

Nah! He is not worried. Greenies always can twist words to make them fit their agenda. What Phil;Jones meant was 15 years on the Kingon calendar, not earth's.. It is just like Trevor's statement that stated that GW and CC are the same only different. Ha! Ha!

Then you have people like Gringo who attempt to discredit charts by their authors, then he is even wrong at that. Yet they call themselves scientists. Isn't that laughable?

Of course he is worried. They all are.


But in 2009, as the thermometer hit record lows in America, he and other climate scientists panicked in a flurry of emails: “Skeptics will be all over us – the world is really cooling, the models are no good.”

All it takes is more lying to get them out of trouble. You see a demented liberal can never get in trouble, they are always bailed out by others who use Goebbels' theory. "Repeat the lie often and loudly."

And again you're using Monckton's graph despite being told not too long ago that Monckton cherry-picks his data to get the result he wants.

Why, for example, does Monckton's "17 years and 10 months" graph use a different period (September 1996 to June 2014) than his previous "17 years and 9 months" graph which used a August 1996 to April 2014 time period?

Surely if you're going to argue that there has been an uninterrupted leveling of the trend, then the starting date of your data should be always the same.

Edit @ Kano:


No, they are not from RSS. They are produced by Monckton and claimed to be based on RSS data which is something entirely different.

You could and should have known that because exactly 4 weeks ago you posted the very same Monckton graph (albeit sans the Dr Phil Jones frame) and which was linked to a Monckton authored guest post at WUWT: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index... & http://wattsupwiththat.com/2014/07/03/rs...

And no, the RSS' own graph do not look the same as Monckton's graphs. Far from it.

Kano: Sinking to new lows day by day. I thought you were interested in science? Lately you have been laughing at science, observations, measurements, and pretty much everything else that show you you are wrong.

Edit: I have stated I do not know what the word 'catastrophic' means. I choose not to use such a word as it is dependent on opinion rather than fact. I choose to work with absolute statements not opinionated ones. You have chosen to ignore the science because even you admit that you are more tuned in to conspiracy thinking rather than scientific thinking.

Doubt it. This man has made multi millions off of his false "science"

The man made global warming hoax is to get control of the people and fulfill the UN world dictatorship goal.

Jeff M. Because it is not about science anymore, it is political.

Even you admit climate change is not catastrophic, so what do you want us to do about it?

I know for a fact that he is not stupid enough to believe that graph somehow contradicts AGW.

If that graph was worth half-a-sht and anyone in the world could squeeze one drop of mathematical evidence out of it that might - in any way - contradict AGW, it would be on FOX News, Rush, and every Denier blog - every day - for years.

But, I would not hold my breath waiting for that to happen.
