> Will 2015 be warmer than 2014?

Will 2015 be warmer than 2014?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If it is, it would be four years in a row that is warmer than the previous year. I don't think that has ever happened. My prediction is that 2014 will tie with 1998 as the fourth warmest year on the instrumental record, 2015 will be the 6th warmest and either 2016, 2017 or 2018 will be the warmest.

The whole year may not be warmer, but a day or two will be warmer than a day from 2014

The forecast, which looks ahead to temperatures from Dec. 1, 2014 through Feb. 28, 2015, is based on an analysis of several large-scale factors in the land-ocean-atmosphere system.

Forecasting is difficult especially when the future is involved.

No I personally dont think so, 2014 was a partial El Nino year, and 2015 or maybe 2016 might be a La Nina year which would make it cooler.

Taking into account the range of uncertainty in the forecast, it is very likely that 2015 will be one of the warmest years in a series dating back to 1880.

I guess so. because here in Mumbai,India it is suppose to be winter and though it is colder but not that i can associate with winter unlike last year when winter's cold got better of people here.

on that basis, I feel 2015 will be comparatively warmer.

but, by my general knowledge, there will be extreme temperatures - hot more hotter and cold much colder.

If the pattern continues yes. I predict with a 90% liklihood hood it will be warmer.

If the pattern continues yes. I predict with a 90% liklihood hood it will be warmer.

Probably not. Global Warming is a farce.

2014 was colder than 2013.

And there is more ice on the ice caps at the moment than there has even been in recorded history.

Also about this CO2 business:

There is about a volcano eruption every day. A big eruption creates more carbon dioxide than humans can create in 100 years.

After volcanos the next biggest thing that creates Co2 is cow farts. I'm not joking!

Yes global warming, and freezing for child molesters.

Yes global warming, and freezing for child molesters.

If the pattern continues yes. I predict with a 90% liklihood hood it will be warmer.

yes global warming, and freezing for child molesters.


yes it would be because human is creating more and more harm to the earth as time is passing.

No , the planet is changing and this will cause cooler temps .

Are you sure that Oxford guy was speaking your language?

'Cause the volcanic CO2 statement is pure rubbish.

yes.I think so.Because every year global warming is increasing

may be yes


Well, most would predict so, but I am not a meteorologist.

Unless the trend reverses, yes...

only little percentage will increase.

who knows ? The NOAA is busy adjusting the temps up this year to claim it was . The hottest year is still 1934