> What was the hottest climate in England?

What was the hottest climate in England?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I can only speak about what I've seen in my lifetime, so that would be 1976, it was great, Britain sat under a massive anti cyclone for over 6 weeks and every day it was in the high 80's and nineties.

Hey Rolando, pay attention, they didn't ask when was the highest temperature (weather) she asked about hottest climate (sustained hot weather over time), And I did subjectively limit my answer to my life time. 1976 wasn't just warm it really really warm, and it doesn't show up on any of your fiddled and adjusted temperature graphs because it wasn't global, it was just Britain -- durrr.

Yes it's a subjective and opinionated answer which is still better than your position, which is plain old fashioned lying and anti science rhetoric.

Any way I thought your main mission on this site was to just abuse Sage so I should be honoured you noticed me. Keep drinking the kool aid soft lad.

The hottest temperature recorded was 38.1C on the 10th August 2003.

The Cornwall region. Palm trees grow there.


Pindar's and Emma's answers are about weather.

I think that was in Parliment when Thatcher was PM.

summer of 1994. god she had a cracking set of jugs :-)