> Overpopulation and global warming threatening future of d earth. reflect in d relevance of these in d future?

Overpopulation and global warming threatening future of d earth. reflect in d relevance of these in d future?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No you are a Idoit.

The world does not just overpopulate, why you ask?

Because people die everyday, one I will too. The variation chart shows that countries in the Western world are shrinking like '' Germany, (New Zealand where I am from) and amongst others.

Europe is shrinking, India and China are massive and the world is not overpopulated in numbers BUT!

that being said I understand you the business world is however struggling financally with recession meaning no jobs and hard to find work with deceit pay to survive for ordly human being, expenses on the rise and all sorts you name it they rise it, in order to keep people from dying that is why the world does this think this.

'' Why would rise that bread that I bought last week and now it is 50 pence more this week?''

Now some people last week just had enough to buy the loaf now it is more expensive and thier themselves on the welfare get a set amount of budget to spend now can not afford it! with that being said it only gets higher in prices as life continues.

That is another reason why they being in specials!

This could work for anything since everything cost anyways money, time, enegry whatever!

Global warning will happen but we caused this in society with green house gasses in the Atop.

which is harmful to nature and the Ozone is heating up the earth causing the whole world in general to heat up as well, that is why you see Anactica slowly melting away ( Japan tsumani), The plates under lining the earth shifts causing land to be lost or gained, or Earthquakes ( New Zealand is right on the fault line) causing serve damage to the city affected.

Tornado is cased when 2 currents are winding together in one motion very harmfully ( USA is notiable for this) destroying everything in its path.

So yes it is not overpopulated just yet, and yes earth hits some prettty bad weather and nature disaters but could happen anywhere.

Society makes it difficult to live due to inflation

Common sense

Global warming is a natural cycle, it's part of the process called Climate Change. The process of Climate Change is driven primarily by the sun, with other factors contributing only a small and almost insignificant alterations.

The Milankovitch Cycles play a crucial role in how the Earth warms. When the Earth's orbit is closer to the sun in a circular orbit, then the Earth has increased summers and decreased winters, this is global warming. When the orbit becomes elliptical (oval), the Earth gets prolonged winters and shortened summers creating a global cooling.

Man made global warming however is hotly contested. Many scientists supporting man made global warming theory have lied about the results, they hid the decline in temperatures in 2009, this is known as "Climate Gate".

Moreover, the figure "97% of scientists" support global warming, is wrong. There was a study of 12,000 scientific papers, out of the 12,000, 65 were used by Cook (the alarmist) to justify man made global warming, moreover the selection parameters to have your paper viewed were depending on if you were a global warming alarmist or not. So the 97% figure is complete rubbish and propaganda.

The global temperatures have not risen, they have stalled. This has been going on since 1997. Co2 however has just reached 400ppm in our atmosphere for the first time in a long time. According to the Green House theory, temperatures should also rise. But they haven't, and they won't. This completely disproves the entire theory and shows it for what it is - propaganda and fictional science.

On the subject of overpopulation. The world can sustain billions more people, the junk theory of overpopulation is just an excuse to depopulate the planet and instigate a George Orwell global government super state. The UN doesn't want to get rid of African dictators such as Mugabe because with him instated, food production in the bread basket of Africa (Zimbabwe) has declined so much because of his communist policies. This gives the impression of food shortages.

That is true.

Overpopulation leads to scarce resources. This is unsustainable, so future generations may find it difficult to receive water, food, clothing and the necessities on a regular basis. This will, in many years in the future, threaten the existence of the human race, especially when food and water resources are low because humans cannot survive without them.

Global warming is the result of human action, and makes living conditions more difficult. Global warming increases the number of thunderstorms and hurricanes worldwide, thus destroying cities and causing death and injury among people. Global warming causes the ice caps to melt and if they melt completely, global sea level will increase to cause permanent flooding whereby land (used or unused) will be lost. And global warming causes the world to get drier. Deserts become hotter and water evaporates, to be returned in storms which is difficult to recollect and use.

The impact that humanity is having on climate change is directly related to the fact that there are so many of us. Add on top of our shear numbers the fact that we treat the planet harshly and it is clear why we are moving toward a global crisis.

Consider some facts about the growth of human population. Humans have been on the planet for hundreds of thousands of years. It took until 1804 for our numbers to reach 1 billion. It took another 123 years to reach 2 billion in 1927. It only took another 33 years for us to reach 3 billion in 1960 and 14 years to reach 4 billion in 1974. That means that if you are older that 40 the world’s population has doubled in your lifetime. There are now 6.6 times more of us now than 200 hundred years ago. It is also during these 200 hundred years that the Industrial Revolution occurred, bringing with it the use of fossil fuels for powering our societies and economies.

The volume of people on the Planet (less than 1/3rd of a cubic mile) is approximately 1100 times smaller than the volume of Mt Everest (365 cubic miles from sea level to the summit).

The temperature of the Planet has risen less than 1% since 1880 (133 years)

The Little Ice Age ended around 1850ad.

" ... The "little ice age", evidence of which was first recorded around 1300, and which extended through to the mid 1800s, was the coldest interval over the Northern Hemisphere for one thousand or so years. Periodic plagues and famines ravaged Europe and glaciers descended from the Alps to engulf a number of villages. ... "


Is your use of the letter "d" a sad way of saying "the". You might feel you are "cool" by subverting the language (big words), but you are not. In answer to d question - yes d population is way 2 big. d uman race is going to kill it self. d uman race is d scum of d erf. Hope you appreciate my jive talking. Yo

The earth has cooled for over a decade. While the population has increased. There is no correlation between population and earth's temperature.

Just look at the history of the earth. Has the temperature gone up in correspondence to the population? Absolutely not! Stop listening to those calamity howlers and reason for yourself.

you lost me on the "d" , and then global warming is over , it ended some 10 years ago , and why is it hot out side . it is summer , happens every year .

No threat to Earth's future. Earth is gonna be same no matter what we do.

Its all here:


Population and atmospheric CO2 go hand in hand.
