> If warming is "Global" where are the corresponding high temperatures?

If warming is "Global" where are the corresponding high temperatures?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Edit: So I provide a link to an American Geophysical Union page explaining it in detail at a level pretty much anyone can understand with NASA data showing exactly where the heat is going and I get 5 thumbs down. This is like people running around with their hands over their eyes saying they don;t see the elephant when it is right in front of them. Pathetic.

"In the ocean will not do as an answer, that was the biggest copout ever."

You are closed-minded.

Satellites have recorded the oceans are warmer.

and, last year the UK may have had a cold spell but the US had record high temps, and just recently Greenland had a record heatwave which pushed arctic air down on N. America.

It’s clear global warming/climate change is real. It’s equally clear the > current < warming cycle has been going on since the last ice age and that’s why the Sahara was grassland 10,000 years ago but is desert today + has been desert for centuries. The fact the current warming trend started long before there was any industry and when there were hardly any people is good evidence humans are not the cause. It also means humans are not the solution.

The Earth goes through constant climate change cycles and has done so throughout its history. The exact mechanism is not completely understood but appears to be related to solar activity and the axial tilt of the Earth as it orbits the sun - not human activity. Note that the Earth is apparently at the end of the current warming cycle and should begin cooling soon (“soon” in geological terms).

All of the carbon tax/carbon offset BS is just robbery or extortion disguised as science. Countries like China and India LOVED the idea of carbon taxes/carbon offsets – but only when they could pretend to be “undeveloped”. Once it was pointed out both are horrific polluters of > every type < they suddenly weren’t so keen on the idea. Only the global Left and countries like North Korea & Zimbabwe still love the idea of carbon taxes.

The Left loves the idea because they are dedicated to destroying the West in general and the USA in particular. Getting the developed world to wreck its own industrial base is something they want. Having the West simultaneously give free guilt-money to countries like North Korea & Zimbabwe would just make it better.

Unfortunately, scientific research has been compromised by the politics of the subject. The academic community leans far to the Left, so researchers who “prove” human-caused global warming (AGW) are rewarded with more grants, but researchers who don’t “prove” AGW find themselves cut off.

The politics of the issue are a problem because we really do need to understand how the Earth works so we can anticipate, predict, and adjust. We also need to reduce actual pollution that is poisoning our environment, and countries like China & India shouldn’t get a free ride.

I don't know about anywhere else, but it has been very hot and dry in Texas, USA for 2 years. Last year set heat records of 30 straight days over 100 degrees. If I'm not mistaken they were all over 110 degrees. If it continues it will be worse than the dust bowl years where there was no rain anywhere in the southwest USA. It FINALLY rained here last night without hail or tornadoes so we are very lucky. I think they used to refer to global warming as La Ni?a & El Ni?o weather systems for some reason in America.

The UK is not the whole world. Check weather reports from around the world. It is always warm somewhere and always cold somewhere.


A Google search shows

"Southern California broils in spring heat wave"


"Edmonton City Ctr hit 31.0 on Monday. That OBLITERATES the old record of 28.3 set in 1966.

"The Edmonton Int'l Airport hit 31.3! That was the Alberta hotspot Monday.

It also breaks the record of 28.3 set in 1966.

Records for the City Ctr date back to 1881 (although it's been a series of different stations over the years)"


Oh didn't you know? they're hiding in the deep oceans.

Dam I didn't read question thru, you've already put a disclaimer on my answer.

The Arctic.

Though the Arctic is not, by any reasonable definition, *warm*, it is a lot warmer than it used to be.

In fact, there may be a direct causal link between cold weather in the UK and Arctic warming.

So your saying "Give me an answer but don't give me the facts"

It's always hot down here in Australia

Supposedly it is Siberia. not the Arctic that is average for the last ten years, and arctic ice is higher than the last ten years now, so all the bull about melting arctic ice caused the cold northern hemisphere is rubbish

You can generate some temperature maps here:


And there is some stuff here:


If warming is "Global" where are the corresponding high temperatures?

It is accepted that last year in the UK was the coldest since records began and this spring is the coldest for 30 years.

Where are the corresponding hottest places which according to the warmies make up for this cold so as to make a warmer average?

In the ocean will not do as an answer, that was the biggest copout ever.

Global warming is global, yes?

In scientific terms they made several mistakes . Computer model predictions failure ,

proxy failure and their papers and graphs are failures.