> Perhaps global warming will not be a problem in the future?

Perhaps global warming will not be a problem in the future?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Even if it ever were. because If Lockheed Martin are sucessful we wont need coal, oil and gas, after 2045.


Lockheed-Martin are certainly people to be taken seriously. They do not talk about their "skunk works" projects publicly unless they are fairly sure that they are on to something. Definitely a question of "watch this space".

Point of information: The system described in the video uses deuterium and tritium (D-T) as fuel. This produces neutrons. The p-11b approach is aneutronic, that is, it does not produce neutrons.

Well, the very slight warming trend ended in the late nineties, so this is a real possibility. I do, nonetheless, support a major move toward alternative energy and engine research by federal and local gov't.

Gee, how wonderful it would be.

What would happen if all societies were 1st world.

It's not going to happen.

They've no way to get fuel into the thing,

And no way to get the energy produced out.

Whenever I see a magical energy creation device, I get more than a little suspicious.

This is simply another one.

He's probably looking for funding.

Have at it if you like.

If it works, you'll be fabulously wealthy.

But, be sure to kiss your money before you let it go, 'cause it ain't coming back.

The SR-71 is a wonderful design but it's peanuts in complexity when compared with the climate.

Perhaps. On the other hand, global warming could also be *worse* than we think. The safe bet, generally, is that what scientists who study a particular field think is true is probably at least roughly true.

Especially since the (overall) costs of acting if we're wrong are a *lot* less than the costs of not acting if we're right...

Do you know how long fusion energy has been " less than 30 years away?"

Don't worry scientist say that the world is cooling down.

Hmm wonder what would happen to Exxon

a big bet, considering the stake of the only planet we have.

Even if it ever were. because If Lockheed Martin are sucessful we wont need coal, oil and gas, after 2045.
