> Is humankind responsible for hiding the "missing heat" from Climate Scientists?

Is humankind responsible for hiding the "missing heat" from Climate Scientists?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 


Should people be concerned about heat that is missing?


The real question is, "Is 'SAVE' one of Trevor's or Dork's puppets?"

In evolution they have 'the missing link'. In environment they have 'the missing heat'. Is there a connection?

Certainly there is something missing. I would tell you it is in the upper portion of a greenies body, but I would be censored by the double standards of Y!A.

Nope, nature is. It's probably related to the PDO and/or ENSO.

And, yes, we should be concerned, because it's almost certainly going to come *back*. The PDO and ENSO are both oscillations. That means the forces currently driving heat downwards will eventually reverse and drive heat upwards. And then we'll have a nice string of record-shattering warm years, and no one will be able to say that "there's been no warming for 15 years" with a straight face...

If they would look beyond the "CO2 Warming Theory", they just might find "The Natural Climate Variability Theory". In the "Natural Climate Variability Theory" it states: "nature is in control and humans have but a very minor effect on the planet's temperatures and climate". It's the difference between being a "True Skeptic" and an "Alarmist" based on Empirical Evidence.

You'll have to look at ocean temperature data with a "skeptical eye" for now because that's where "Alarmists" are looking for it.

Did the missing heat ever exist ? No Its probably just a number off a bad computer model .

Banacek could find it .

The missing heat, is a desperation tactic by AGW alarmists, it is a futile search for anything that might explain the complete failure of their models, what they don't say is how (what mechanism) forces heat into the oceans instead of the atmosphere, and when and why it started happening.

Your question make absolutely zero sense. Are you just being silly, or is there really supposed to be a question here? The missing heat refers to complex math about what cannot be measured. It has been found and it has been all over the news. Or do you not pay any attention to the news? If that's it then nobody can help you here.



Should people be concerned about heat that is missing?
