> Was the fall of the Roman Empire due to AGW?

Was the fall of the Roman Empire due to AGW?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

so the US should have died out during the early 20th century since all water main pipes into house were lead, you can lead a warmer to ice but they are to stupid to know what it is

How ridiculous can you get?

Let's see. The primary increase in human induced greenhouse gases started with the first industrial revolution circa 1760, and produced major emissions beginning with the second industrial revolution circa 1860 bringing about observed increases in global average temps around 1979, and the Roman empire collapsed in the 5th century, now what would that say to an individual with the capability of thought?

Now it is thought that many civilizations may have collapsed because of weather such as drought making food stuffs scarce. that is not AGW, it is weather. Many also were dealt this type of blow due to insects/blight

Sagebrush,,,Are you on drugs. I never said the earth was warmer then. You are hallucinating.

It was warmer possibly but it certainly would not have been from human emissions. The fuel of the day would have been from wood, although a pollutant when burned, the burning would be for cooking rather than heating in a warmer climate

Even now Rome itself has hot summers and mild winters, so heating would have been minimally necessary


it was also warmer millions of years ago before humans, that does not mean the laws of physics have changed- greenhouse gases are part of that change.

By your logic, people cannot start forest fires since the fires have occurred naturally by lightning before humans existed.

do us a favor and read the 'Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire'. That will keep you busy for a while.

Nah. The Romans became brain dead from using lead pipe for water mains so had to rely on the Barbarians to run and protect the empire. They eventually got fed up so took what they could carry and cleared out back to Gaul and Germany. Went to Hell after that.

According to the best available evidence, no it wasn't.


And the Egyptian empire. But back then, they blamed the gods.

