> What are the most important peer-reviewed scientific articles on climate change by Lawrence Solomon?

What are the most important peer-reviewed scientific articles on climate change by Lawrence Solomon?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
He is Executive Director of Energy Probe,and journalist,and self described environmentalist.Not a scientist

According to a search of Google Scholar, Lawrence Solomon does not appear to have published any articles in peer-reviewed journals on any subject.

Global Warming ended over a year ago and all is back to normal like it was in the 1970's before Global Warming. Mike

Is it the one about the consensus of Climate Scientists ?

With reference to this penetratingly original and indubitably sincere question by one of our talented and scrupulously accurate scientist posters:

"Do humans cause climate change?"


The Rockefeller-Rothschild Federal Reserve Green Meanie Warmonist Conspiracy seems to have moon-matrix-hologrammed out of existence any references to such peer-reviewed publication here:


or even here:
