> Do you appreciate irony in the climate change issue?

Do you appreciate irony in the climate change issue?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes and they just spotted the first polar bare @ the southpole.


Beats looking at fern any day.

I get a kick out of it as I freeze my butt off. The liberals are coming up with more and more convoluted explanations about the climate. They say that you can't use the cold weather as a guage of the climate only the hot weather in Australia as a guage of the climate. I'm an old man and I got used to the new format and windows 8.1. If you are less than 80 you better learn to adapt to constant change. When I was a kid a phone was a black thing with a dial, a music player weighed 40 pounds as did a video player 30 years later. I've had to adapt from fountain pens to word processors, get over it.

How is that ironic? It is not at all unusual for snow on Mauna Loa. Mauna Kea means white mountain. It is named because it is snow capped in the winter, and you think it is ironic that it is now snow capped this winter. When I look up at either peak, on the few days when you can see either, I'm accustomed to seeing snow caps.

This is not quite as bad as your quoting Raymond Bradley (creator of the hockey stick curve) as a climate denier, but once again you are willing to say rather thoughtless things about which you know very little. Add Hawaii climate to the list of things you should not post about here because you know so little about it.

If you are really interested in experiencing snow on Hawaii, I invite you to join the Hawaii Ski Club. They regularly ski both mountains.


This is basic weather, but perhaps some folks need to learn the basics. CO2 measurements are taken at the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory. Both Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea are littered with observatories because they are removed from the continent, because they are highly elevated, and because there was a road when observatories were being built. For measuring CO2 in 1956, when Keeling moved to there, the distance from the continent and being above the inversion layer were particularly important in order to measure the actual atmosphere rather than the immediate effects of pollution. High elevations get cold. Mountains cause precipitation on their windward side. Precipitation in very cold places very often falls as snow. Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea get snow.

Those unaware that the physics of climate operate in Hawaii might be as surprised to find deserts in Hawaii. But of course there is a desert in the rain shadow just as there is anywhere.

What is ironic is that you do not seem to know that temperatures drop with altitude and that you are posting on a climate change blog. A poor one, admittedly, but never the less. Mauna Loa's peak is 13,680' above sea level and Mauna Kea's peak is 13,800' above sea level. While neither are snow covered peaks year round they do get some snow from time to time.

Mount Kilimanjaro is located just south of the equator, but it has ice at its peak. Well, it does for now. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Kilim...

"My Yahoo is a new format today and it sucks."

AGREED! This is what we in the U.S. have been dealing with for a while now. I usually answer one of your questions just for the quick link to the Canadian site. ;) ... Kano, what does the Philippines' site look like? I may come visit you more. :)

LOL, it is quite funny. Like the irony of the warmers thinking the world is going to end if we don't do something soon, but having absolutely no idea what to do.

As far as the Mauna Loa site for CO2 concentration. Seems like having a site so close to volcanoes may not be the best of ideas. I'll have to look into their corrections.


Did I claim they care about my opinion?? Nope.

You will note that I have never claimed they are wrong and I EVEN suggested that they likely already have a method of correction. My likely answer will be that they did take this into account. JUST AS my answer for the temp corrections are that they would make little difference ANYWAYS. Something you would likely say and I already have said.

I wonder why you feel the need to put words in my mouth??? Is my questioning of your beliefs so appauling to you, that you must resort to such methods???

Or to use your method of argument:

Pegminer is the greatest ever. You all should stop arguing and listen to Peg. He said it is so, thus it cannot possibly be anything but true. That is the way science works. Peg says its true and we all agree.

You do realize there is nothing particularly unusual about that, don't you? I guess you're so ignorant about Hawaii weather that you don't even realize that there are people that do some skiing and snowboarding there,

This is not "irony", this is your own inability to understand weather and climate.

EDIT: Raisin Caine, the scientists at Mauna Loa are all waiting impatiently for your evaluation of their "corrections". Talk about delusions of grandeur.

EDIT for Ottawa Mike: I guess you have to not know anything about weather and climate in order for your question to be funny.

Isn't that where they take the CO2 measurements? That is where there is one of the highest concentrations of CO2 on earth. That is why they chose that spot. Yet all that CO2 didn't reflect the heat or retain the heat or cause the heat level to rise, as Gore said it would.

That temperature data will sure be 'adjusted' up. Ha! Ha! Ha!

My Yahoo sucks to, I cant find the old style anywhere now

I see many ironies...

One example is those who claim to hold capitalism as their ideal, complaining (to put it mildly) about rich people like All Gore and George Soros.

Another example is in this very "question" where one person thinks it is ironic to see snow on a mountain that has ........... wait for it ........... a ski resort.

But thanks for the laugh.

PS you can still switch to the old format using "f.answers.vip.bf1.yahoo.com"

It seems where ever they go to have their meetings, they have record cold. Mother Nature does have an ironic sense of humor it seems. You got to love the irony of those bozos going to Antarctica for an AGW photo op and getting iced in.

Does the "Gore Effect" have some competition? Snow in Hawaii at the CO2 monitoring site:

"The system earlier left a blanket of snow atop Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa." http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/24568174/several-inches-of-snow-expected-in-hawaii-winter-storm-warning-in-effect-for-summits

Irony for warmonist usually involves nonbelievers being killed by bad weather. They find it funny and believe it to be evidence when for instance a tornado strikes a populated area.

Hawai'i has more permafrost than Maine does.

Climate change is a HOAX