> How can we prevent/ stop the process of global warming?

How can we prevent/ stop the process of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
plz no short answers

it is difficult to prevent something that is already in progress Wehave pumped enough additional greenhouse gases into the atmosphere for global warning to continue beyond the year 2100.

Don'tvlisten to DA deniers who tell you the Earth is cooling How could it be cooling for a decade when the 10 warmest yearsd for global average temp have occurred within the last 15/

This isn't based on models, this is real temperature recorded daily from 1300 weather stations around the world and satellite measurements as well. The following site will give you a monthly synopsis of weather for the US and the world back to 1998


http://nasa.gov and http://noaa.gov are both reliable sites

http://skepticalscience.com will point out 173 DA denier arguments and the truth refuting them

Yoiu can get good info from http://nature.com and http://nationalgeographic.com

There are plenty of snake oil salesmen and women who will try to convince you there is no man made GW but they are spewing lies and misrepresentation of fact

Ignore their continued ignorance

A simple method would be to ban thermometers. The rises and falls in temperature are far too small for any human to even notice without this technology. If things are too small to notice naturally then they aren't really a problem are they.

Just sit back, take a deep breath and relax. For over a decade now, the Earth has been cooling. That is a fact that even the hard core AGW believers have had to acknowledge.

Too late; someone's already beaten you to it.


Edit Big G. Do you understand what the middle of these three graphs means re your NCDC link (the same is valid for both GISS and NCDC, they both come from the same GHCN data compilation)?


plz no short answers