> Hey! Did you see all that Climate Change in Israel? What do you think?

Hey! Did you see all that Climate Change in Israel? What do you think?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
All that white stuff, is it caused by climate change? It is snowing in Jerusalem.

They had snow in Cairo, that's the first time that's happened in about a 100 years according to the local record keepers. http://www.latimes.com/world/worldnow/la...

The world is cooling no matter how much the Warmists try to deny it.


The water will do them good. Anyway 1000 to 1 odds that Sheldon Whitehouse will blame Climate Change or Disruption whatever they are call the cult this week.

1. Find a dictionary.

2. Ask a 10 year old to turn it right side up for you.

3. Ask a 10 year old, the same one or any other, to look up and read to you the definitions of "weather" and of "climate"

4. Compare

5. If that is too advanced for you, ask a 9 year old to explain the difference between (a) the seasonal batting average of a baseball player and (b) the number of hits the player got and at the bats he had in the last game he played.

6. Lie like hell about what this is all about (as you always do): your incurable imbecility.

7. Don't ever learn the difference between proof-reading and lying.

Looking at a weather event and calling it climate again, Sagebrush?

This is the largest snowfall event that Israel has had in a little over 20 years. It snows in Israel from time to time and it is not as if this is a full blown blizzard. Well, maybe by their standards. :)

I've been snowed on in December over there several times. It's not unusual. That's why Jesus was not born in December. No one takes their flocks into the hills during the winter.

OK! You told us about the weather in Israel? How long are you going to keep us in suspense before you tell us about the climate change?

Snow in Egypt, snow in Israel, 3000 cold and snow records in North America, summer snow in Australia, Antarctic ice extent at record levels, Man it's scary!!!

That was amazing. Generally I just call it weather but eventually all that weather adds up to climate.

We were told 13 years ago in the UK at least that snow was going to be a thing of the past. "Children aren't going to know what snow is.." they claimed.


Wow, it snowed there, I guess THAT'S never happened there before...oh...what's that?...it's happened lots of times? Well, what do you know, you learn something every day...if you read.

All that white stuff, is it caused by climate change? It is snowing in Jerusalem.

no it didn't as a highly respected warmer told us that snow is a thing of the past and our kids just won't know what snow is, so this never happened.........denier

Maybe Iran is getting ready to attack?

That you're a moron, that all anyone can think