> What is warming Barrow, Alaska?

What is warming Barrow, Alaska?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
They only see what they want to see, it is why they deny AGW even exists. I see Kano (who claimed it is ok to dump waste products into the environment if it is a fertilizer) has put up his own "question" linking to this one. Obviously your humor in this "question" escaped him and many others. [1]

CO2 levels in Barrow

The sun is still providing a small amount of light to Barrow all winter, and warmer air masses from elsewhere may flow into the Arctic anyway.

(At noon (1:25 PM AKST) on Dec. 21, it is 5 degrees below the horizon there, the same elevation as it would be in New York City at 4:55 PM EDT that day, where the sky is a dark blue and pinkish color can still be seen in the direction of the sun.)

Meanwhile 39 people died in Nepal from an unseasonably cold blizzard dumping lots of snow and causing avalanches as well exposure issues.

That shows exactly how much you can trust climate alarmists, there has been very little warming at Barrow Alaska for the last 34yrs, but 38yrs ago there was there was a 5C jump in temperatures due the PDO change,


They are all experts at misleading misinformation, how they have the nerve to publish sh!t like this amazes me.

I hope you were misled by this too, not knowingly passing on misinformation.

Have you bothered to check the CO2 level in Barrow? OMG it isn't CO2. Ha! Ha! This shows how lame your sick theory is. Ha! Ha!


"Apparently these increases are not related to the sun as it is at it's lowest in the sky in October, and by November, does not appear over the horizon. "

Oh my gosh, no sun, and it's still warming.

Why is that?

How can the sun, which doesn't shine, be the cause?

OR, is it just sympathetic rise?