> How much are oil companies paid to dispose of toxic waste?

How much are oil companies paid to dispose of toxic waste?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I don't know if I would say oil companies get paid to dispose of "toxic" waste. They pay for it. They then pass those costs to customers. I should point out that they sell "toxic" liquids that we pay them to put in out toxic waste eliminators called cars.

Oil is typically located in pretty poor water. You aren't going to have a water production well next to an oil well. I deal with the transport of contaminants every day. Fracking fluids injected into shales are to make those shales more permeable. Their impermeable nature makes the migration of wastes at any significant distance really unlikely whether they are "toxic" or not. Any migration would be relatively slow and before it got more than a few hundred feet it would naturally attenuate by bio or dispersion.

I "" toxic because everything is toxic. Petroleum is a naturally occurring substance that is gobbled up quickly by bacteria in an aerobic environment and not so quickly in an anaerobic environment. It will also simply chemically decompose in the presence of oxygen to non "toxic" substance.

It is my understanding that they do have to tell the regulators what is pumped in. Oil companies have an army of lawyers and they don't like bad press so the last thing they want to do is cause any "toxic" problems for anyone, particularly when they can just pass on the costs to their consumers.

Dr. Jello --

>> - Fracking fluid isn't toxic. The Democrat Governor of Colorado, John Hickenlooper, drank this fluid to show the public it was safe.<<

In the 1960s, an H-bomb fell into the Mediterranean near Palomares, Spain following a midair collision of two American Air Force planes. US Ambassador Biddle Duke swam in the water to in an attempt to show that it was safe.

If Hickenlooper and Halliburton really believe that fracking fluid is safe to drink they should drink the fluid from an active fracking operation. The Institute of Medicine recommends that men drink about 5.3 quarts of fluid/day – and that would seem to be a reasonable amount of fracking fluid for them to drink.

I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for any of those gutless weenies to actually to do it.


Raisin Caine --

I'm not the one pulling the stunts. I don't know what the chemical properties of fracking are. However,, the companies that employ the technology do know - and it is be up to them to provide the results of their research on possible health risks public (if they even care enough whether there are health risks to have conducted any research).

Why don't you just post a video of you drinking the stuff so we can put this issue to rest?

LMAO, Too funny. A DEMOCRAT governor DRINK the fracking liquid to show its safe and Gary F's comment is that he didn't drink enough.

Not evidence that the liquid is unsafe. Not evidence backing any of the claims that WARMERS ARE MAKING.

With your logic, lets see what we can make unsafe. Well Gary F, if you think garbonzo beans are good for you, then eat ONLY garbonzo beans for a year, to prove it, otherwise it is unsafe and should be not allowed for human consumption.

I know Gary F, that I am expecting too much from you. I mean actually asking a climate "scientist" to back up their claims. Why, next thing you know, I am going to be asking these scientists to use the scientific method.

Hey people,

Do not get your flu vaccinations. A politician didn't drink a gallon of flu vaccination, so it is not safe.


And BTW, while you act like you have something to say, you do not. I place a question asking what plans you would like to see enacted and the cost and the response has been atrocious. Currently, you are all just naysayers. If you can't propose a solution, when I HAVE, then your worthlessness and lack of care about the environment speaks volumes.

Edit @ the climate "scientist" Gary F,

I get what you are saying. They were pumping that dangerous dihydrogen monoxide.


You are right man!!!! How can we let this occur???? OHHH THE HUMANITY


Gary F, so you say they are recovering AND treating the fluid. I thought they were just being irresponsible and pushing it into our drinking water. YOUR claim is that they are pumping dangerous crap directly into our drinking water.

Herein lies the problem of what you are NOT getting. 99% of the fluid is sand and water. They do their best to recover all of the fluid they use. They have a concern that giving away the exact compounds used will give their competition an advantage. They are working this out with the EPA.

There is a potential for some problem, but that potential is small and certainly not wroth the idiot scare-mongering you do about EVERYTHING. By the time you have your 1% of the fluid, with a small percent leak out then mixed with much LARGEr water supply, you a have trace amounts that still gets filtered through the ground, AND THAT is only if they are using well water. Most people use water filtered by their city and county.

It is a small problem that they are working out. And how many deaths have been caused by this????

OOHHHH thats right... 0.

And what that man did showed EXACTLY what you asked. He drank a whole glass of the fluid. That is the equivalent of MANY quart of water where a little bit of fluid mixed with a LARGE water supply.

You know this, you just want to scare-monger.

As for ME drinking it to show you,... Why would I? Clearly someone else did and it made no nevermind to you. You are smart enough to know what is really going on and that my description is accurate, and it makes no nevermind to you. I could drink ONLY that fluid for a month and it would make no nevermind to you. You don't even believe as you claim to believe. You know better. You just like to scare-monger.

And oh my doesn't adding something about them poisoning our water supply make for some excellent scare-mongering.

Did you know that the pellets of nuclear waste they transport are so non-reactive that you can pick them up and have no more effect than talking on a cell phone. But MY OH MY is it fun to talk about the dangers of nuclear waste.

Thanks for showing who is truly anti-science.

And what DO you want? Are you aware of the toxic chemicals used for solar cell? What do we have left?

You don't like nuclear, hydro, petro, natural gas. You have no plans, just tax tax tax. And guess what??? Oh yeah, natural gas would benefit from you CO2 tax as well. OOOPPPPS.

Just a couple corrections - Fracking fluid isn't toxic. The Democrat Governor of Colorado, John Hickenlooper, drank this fluid to show the public it was safe. Too bad people lie to scare people, isn't it?


I don't know but then, I am not at all sure that they are paid to dispose of toxic waste.

Perhaps you have not seen this report of the frackers using Marmite? It is a by-product of brewing and is sold in UK shops as food.


Fracking fluid is 98.5% water and sand. The rest is lubricatants and to protect the pipe and to make the oil flow. Is does get recovered so it can be reused after they finish.

So some people think oil companies are run by Homer Simpson.

millions..the tailing ponds from the alberta tar sands.

maybe jello could try drinking that..

Since we're not allowed to know what oil and gas companies are injecting into the ground, it would seem that they have a foolproof (for the moment) way to dispose of toxic waste. In fact, then can even collect money from toxic waste producers, to "make the stuff disappear".

SO, what percent of fracking fluid is really toxic waste that has no impact on fracking, other than it's liquid?

When will America wake up and change this "We don't have to tell you what we're pumping into the ground" philosophy?