> What is the cost of fighting global warming?

What is the cost of fighting global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The difference between coal and nuclear power.

Hopefully, under a realistic plan, it wont be very much.

They had control of Congress and presidency and the result is $18,000,000,000,000 dollars (18,000 billion) in debt, albeit Bush added a fair share too but the worst is from Obama's regime. That is about a 180 thousand dollars for each actual taxpayer. Look at Obama's war on American coal and power. Other countries don't put those types of punishment on their populations. Only American workers suffer from delusional bozos that do whatever they can to make energy expensive. They tried to make it much more expensive but they are economic novices and couldn't stop the inevitable decreases in costs of fossil fuels as technology advanced. There so many hidden costs. We are fighting unicorns, and throwing money in the toilet to make some wacko leftists feel better that they are saving the planet.

Global warming now has a book all its own, and while it may not hit the bestseller lists, "The Oxford Handbook of the Macroeconomics of Global Warming" will at least give people pause for thought.

Pass an add-on that specifies the Clean Air Act doesn't refer to CO2 as that is not a pollutant.

average Joe taxpayers will pay nothing

it's people like the Koch Brothers who are crapping their pants because they have the greed illness.

That's an easy answer - How much will it cost to fight so-called "global warming"? How much do you have?

1% of gdp. pay now or a lot more later

0 because it doesn't exist

Warmers, here is your opportunity. Pertend you have control of Congress and the presidency and you can pass the legislation you think would work. BUT no more than that later.

What legislation is necessary and how much will it cost average Joe taxpayer?