> Does Bill Nye make any sense in this video?

Does Bill Nye make any sense in this video?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

He has a bowtie. That means he's smart and we should listen to him. It's also a good way for him to get on TV and look relevant to his followers.

Yes, he does-in a very meandering way he gets from point A to point B. That doesn't mean I agree with all of his opinions and conclusions. He is more credible, in my opinion, than the Legion of people-mostly right wing politicians-who have taken up the "I'm not a scientist but it's a hoax" refrain.

I dislike Nye's bow ties.

The problem is that the media (for obvious 'financial' reasons) have taken it upon themselves to frame climate skepticism as a legitimate debate, its not.

What a clown, "earth was warming in the past, had more CO2 in the past, the problem is it is changing so fast" where the hell does he get its changing too fast.

Actually I have a lot of respect for engineers, not so much for academic scientists, engineers have to make things work and are held responsible when they don't or break.

Personally, I get most of my science from, well, the actual science classes I've taken. Take a biogeochemistry/environmental ecology class, then you can talk to me about "where I get my science from".

But, especially at the level he's aiming at (non-scientists), I think he is making plenty of sense.

Nye is no more knowledgeable of Climate science than Al Gore (a Divinity student). Not a very credible source.

More sense than you

funny how it went way over your head


This is where many greenies get their 'science' from.