> Which is the alternate for 'Sand' ?

Which is the alternate for 'Sand' ?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Hey dubukuu eentha mathri kelvilam namma thane ketpom mapulla :)

There are many alternatives for sand-based concrete aggregate such as granulated coal ash, blast furnace slag or various solid wastes including fiberglass waste materials, granulated plastics, paper and wood products / wastes, sintered sludge pellets and others.

However, only two (glass cullet and recycled concrete) are being used at all. And due to the general fact that people are cheap and lazy bastards, chances are most concrete will be made with sand until it becomes too expensive.

Is this a hypothetical question from a school subject? India will not run out of sand. If this is a what if question then perhaps coal ash.

India couldn't possibly exhaust the resources of sand. Are you joking? If so, thanks for the laugh for today. It is a nice metaphor for the ridiculous claims of exhausting resources in general. These claims are typically made by those who have an outlandish world view or simply haven't looked at the evidence.

any type of rock bashed into tiny little fragments because thats what ultimately sand is

The sand from river bed / seas-shore area are made use of for the construction of the buildings. If this is not stopped, India would be in deep trouble as the inadequate availability of the sand would cause disaster.