> How and why did YA allow science deniers to take over the global warming category?

How and why did YA allow science deniers to take over the global warming category?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I think that Elmer98 may have it.

Personally I'd rather be out hang gliding.

But with a torn rotator cuff and separated bicep tendon, along with crappy weather, that's not happening.

The truth is, it's not hard.

Create extra IDs, post questions, answer 'em, award yourself best answer, and you too can be a star.

It used to be that the extra IDs voted for your answer, but y/a eliminated that.

What we do see is hundreds of absolutely silly questions posted, and a denier's answer selected.

If you look, people who are concerned about global warming just don't have the patience to do that.

Nor the integrity.

It might be noted that ALL the top posters in politics, and most top posters in government and religion have their Q&As hidden.

Also, Dana, the top poster, had his ID revoked because of reporting.

He did manage to get it back, but it took a long time, and a lot of work to make that happen.

It would be interesting to see how many posts that support global warming, and how many posts that deny global warming, are reported.

Yahoo answers is interested in selling advertising, controversy brings in more viewers, this is true for any of the categories including global warming. After all AGW was proven in 1896 by Arrhenius when he published the first calculation of global warming from human emissions of CO2. Well before any of the deniers were even born.

The deniers are here because their religion category is taken over by atheist, because every time they make a wild claim (for example; "a god or gods controls the weather", the atheist (and the followers of the other gods) will ask to show proof of the existence of the particular god. They try to do the same here by claiming CO2 does not have an effect on the heat retention capacity of the atmosphere.

You do get to see otherwise intelligent people make funny but irrelevant claims, like CO2 is good for plants (that claim is funny if you picture them as vegetables)

There are also deniers of the science here because they believe that a free market is the best way to run this world and any regulation (through elected officials), preventing people getting harmed or even killed in the pursuit of riches, is skewing the $free$ market.

Of course there are also people who don't know better, or don't want to know better.

Regarding your conversation with oikoσ, Yahoo Answers is about as interested in free speech as the government of North Korea. You had a bunch of questions and answers deleted. I had an account deleted.

I don't think Y!A really cares who 'owns' this category or not. Answers it is a free service. And they are more interested in the number of visitors than what is being said.

I believe they do it through multiple accounts. The fake gelatinous doctor is the only person I have ever believed might be being paid for his involvement here, and I still feel that way. I am quite convinced that he runs many sock puppet accounts with which he can get questions and answers deleted, and vote for his own answers.

What really bugs me about the YA system is that there is no penalty at all for lying, but if you point it out, it can get your commentary deleted.

Sort-of free speech (insofar as allowed by YA). The response to foolish free speech is thoughtful, reasoned free speech. Unless, of course, you think that Al Qaida ans ISIS have the right idea.

too many science deniers work for Yahoo

most sane people have better things to do.