> Are the Anunnaki censoring global warming posters on YA, or is the mad vaporizer on the rampage again?

Are the Anunnaki censoring global warming posters on YA, or is the mad vaporizer on the rampage again?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
With all due respect to Trevor and Baccheus, there is no section of Y!A involving contemporary events or personal/social beliefs that pays any attention to the guidelines. Maybe they work if you have a question about what type of motor oil works best in Nova Scotia or what strings to put on a 1958 Les Paul. But other than that, it is hopeless.

If this section was restricted to the politics of global warming, many of the people interested in the science would disappear – and if it was restricted to the science, there would not be more than two Deniers here. At least 90% of all Denier questions and answers are based on the assumption that climate science is a political tactic invented by liberals to further a global socialist agenda.

Expecting pathological liars and political zealots to follow poorly-policed guidelines is like expecting criminals to follow the rules in a prison run by a few part-time guards.

This business of reporting questions and answers is extremely childish. It’s fine if the questions are abusive, defamatory, racist etc but that rarely applies in this section.

Some people don’t like an answer so they report it hoping to see it deleted (no names but I’m sure many know who the main culprits are). A more grown-up approach would be to respond to the posted comments and address them in an intelligent manner, I guess some people either can’t do that or just take the lazy option.

Some people do seem to be subject to more deletions than others, whereas others have never had an answer deleted. It seems some people hold more sway when reporting questions, when they hit the report button the question/answer will always be deleted.

Not a lot you can do about it other than appeal – but is it really worth it?

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Baccheus makes a very good point – this is a Q and A site. I sometimes forget and treat it more like a discussion site – just like I’m doing now, oops.

I have had some accounts deleted on me as well, it is less work making a new one then trying to repeal yahoo's decision.

Here is one answer I gave in the religious section that was reported, I could only guess that me explaining that having more potential partners to choose from is somehow a bad thing.

"As a heterosexual male I would benefit if more men were homosexual, I would have more female partners to choose from. (Just as would it increase the number of potential partners for homosexual men and bisexual men.) So please, can you explain what the actual problem is?"

My advise is to let them censor all they want as it is trivial to make a new account. One thing it does prove is that they (and they know who they are) are not interested in freedom. ;)

I entirely disagree with Trevor. This is not a argue site. This is meant to be a Q and A site. I would prefer that Dook's questions go away along with the Billy rants of lizard people conspiracy, JimZ's rants of Marxist conspiracies and TMikes philosophical rants. Somebody asks a real question and someone like Trevor who can answer does so. Read the guildelines; that is the intent of this site. Clueless people who want to rant should keep it in the comments section of Yahoo news. This it not the place.

It probably is worth it to contest a deleted post.

While I don't know, one would hope that y/a would at least degrade the authority of someone who'd had multiple reported posts reversed.

I've not had many lately.

There was only one recently that I recall, which was not in global warming, and was restored.

After a best answer had been selected.

"Are global warming posters being censored?" is a question which someone doesn't want discussed. If you want to know what life is like in North Korea, try to discuss censorship by report monkeys on YA. I would like to see YA get rid of reporting. The main justification for reporting are the sort of defamatory comments that Maxx and Sagebrush make about honest scientists like James Hansen and Michael Mann. If I were not the only person reporting such statements, we would be able to justify reporting on the grounds that it prevents YA from being sued for defamation. Yet,such statements are almost never deleted.

That is a f***ing question. They pulled the same sh*t on me last week and they let the deniers post whatever they damn well please 90% of the time

One of my answers and and now a question vaporized so far today.

The question was reported because "Are global warming posters being censored" was a

"Misuse of the question and answer format: In Yahoo Answers you must phrase questions in question format"

The actual "misuse" is of course the false reporting of misuse, by cheaters abusing the site.

The abusing vaporizer(s) strike(s) periodically, when he/they feel in a bad mood. This is far from the first such episode.

I am probably well past 50 Qs and As being removed now (how close to the alltime record is that), most of them for ludicrously inapplicable "Violation Reasons" The cheater(s) put in any old garbage, and YA computer program (gamed probably by all the sock puppets of the multiple alias cheater(s)) implements the nonsense instruction.

Any one else being besides Billy (Jose) and me?